As your editor here at, I’d like to take a moment to thank all the volunteers who gave of their valuable time today to pick up litter, plant trees, and take other civic actions in observance of Earth Day. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed.
Special appreciation goes out to the anonymous crew that worked its way through the area surrounding our headquarters to pick up the trash on the rental and business properties in the neighborhood. My personal thanks is extended to you.
If you’ve never lived in an urban or downtown area, you’re probably unaware of the environmental damage and decline in the quality of life that occurs when “investors” start buying up the houses near you. The first things to go are the trees and shrubs—less maintenance that way. Next, more paving is installed to park more cars. That leads to more stormwater runoff, so look out if you happen to live downstream. Then the long-term neglect begins. The absentee “slumlords” show up only to collect the rent, if at all. Unless the tenants are conscientious enough to do a little sweeping, the rubbish begins to accumulate. It’s a funny thing, when there’s a bunch of junk lying around, people feel compelled to start dumping more. So to you volunteers who today helped nip the problem in the bud with your efforts, I want you to know that you’re the best! As for you greedy landlords—shame on you.