Check out these glistening gems—mating damselflies on a late spring afternoon.
It’s two pairs of Powdered Dancers, males clasping ovipositing females, a striped blue form female on the left and a brown form female on the right.A male Stream Bluet (Enallagma exsulans) perched on a grass stem in a vegetated buffer along a rehabilitated creek.A pair of Stream Bluets, male clasping female.A male Ebony Jewelwing (Calopteryx maculata) looking for a mate.There she is, the shy female Ebony Jewelwing among the shelter of some streamside foliage.A male Variable Dancer (Argia fumipennis).A mating pair of Variable Dancers, male clasping female.Two mating pairs of Variable Dancers, males clasping ovipositing females.Two pairs of mating damselflies, Powdered Dancers (left) and Variable Dancers (right), with both females ovipositing.A male Double-striped Bluet (Enallagma basidens) showing his stuff.A female Fragile Forktail.Mating Powdered Dancers, male clasping female, and an ovipositing female Fragile Forktail.A pair of mating Orange Bluets (Enallagma signatum) in wheel position, male above and female below.
Aren’t they precious? You bet they are.
To see these and other damselflies, as well as their larger cousins the dragonflies, be certain to visit your favorite vegetated lake, pond, stream, or wetland on a sunny afternoon. You might be surprised by the variety of colorful species you can find.
And to help identify your sightings, don’t forget to visit our “Damselflies and Dragonflies” page by clicking the tab bearing that name at the top of this page.
During recent weeks, as temperatures have warmed into the 70s and 80s, early season odonates—damselflies and dragonflies—have taken to the wing along our watercourses and wetlands to prey upon small flying insects.
In addition to wetlands, many vegetated streams, ponds, lakes, and rivers are prime locations to find a variety of damselflies and dragonflies.A male Common Whitetail (top) and some Eastern Amberwings (Perithemis tenera) patrol the edge of a verdant pond in search of small flying insects. In addition to defending territories for hunting, many males will begin chasing off potential rivals as the breeding season gets underway. Both of these dragonflies are tolerant of mud-bottomed waters during their aquatic larval stages of life and may be the only species found at places like farm ponds.The Fragile Forktail is common throughout the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed. It is the most likely damselfly to colonize garden ponds, wet ditches, and other small bodies of water.Having just mated with the male seen in the previous image, this female Fragile Forktail prepares to oviposit (lay her eggs) among the submerged plant matter in the shallows of this pond. After hatching, the larval damselflies will spend an entire year as aquatic predators before taking flight as adults next spring.The Blue Dasher is a common dragonfly around streams, ponds, and wetlands. It can frequently be found perched in sunny woodland clearings, even those quite a distance from their breeding area.The Eastern Forktail (Ischnura verticalis) is a common damselfly around almost any calm, vegetated waters. They frequently perch on emergent plant leaves and stems.The Common Baskettail (Epitheca cynosura) is currently numerous around tree-lined pond and lake shores. They spend nearly all of their time on the wing and frequently dart in and out of the shade while hunting and defending their territory from other dragonflies. Unless you happen to catch a quick glimpse of them in good sunlight, these hyperactive insects will appear completely black in color.Another Common Baskettail, this one mostly lacking any black coloration on the base section of the hindwings.The Lancet Clubtail is a handsome early season dragonfly of slow clear streams, ponds, and wetlands. They spend much of their time perched, watching for prey.We found this Lancet Clubtail about 100 yards from a mountain stream perched on the ground atop some debris on a seldom-traveled forest road,……and this one clinging to some shrubs along the shore of a clear woodland pond.
If you’re out and about in coming days, you’ll find that flights of Common Green Darners, Black Saddlebags, and other species are underway as well. As the waters of the lower Susquehanna valley continue to warm, an even greater variety of these insects will take to the wing. To help with the identification of those you see, be certain to click the “Damselflies and Dragonflies” tab at the top of this page.
Fragile Forktail damselflies have matured from their aquatic nymphal stage (see “Photo of the Day” from April 24, 2022) into flying adults. This breeding pair in the “wheel position”, male above and female below, were photographed this week along the edge of the pond at the headquarters. You can identify the odonates you see during coming weeks by clicking the “Damselflies and Dragonflies” tab at the top of this page. There, a gallery of images that includes the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed’s most frequently encountered species will be at your fingertips for easy perusal.
The aquatic larval stage of a damselfly is commonly known as a nymph. It feeds on small underwater invertebrates, then, as an adult, transitions to grabbing flying insects in midair. While many species inhabit streams, Fragile Forktail (Ischnura posita) nymphs are found primarily in wetlands and small pools of water. This one was produced from eggs laid last summer among submerged vegetation in the headquarters pond. In just a few weeks, it will climb a stem or cluster of leaves and transform into a colorful adult-stage damselfly known as an imago. To see a photo gallery featuring this and other species of odonates found in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed, click on the “Damselflies and Dragonflies” tab at the top of this page.