Pest Control at the Picnic

During one of the interludes between yesterday’s series of thunderstorms and rain showers, we had a chance to visit a wooded picnic spot to devour a little snack.  Having packed lite fare, there wasn’t enough to share.  Fortunately, pest control wasn’t a concern.  It was handled for us…

American Toad
This young American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) patrolled the grounds of the grove gobbling up any creepy crawlies it happened to encounter.
Big-headed Ant
Though spotted nearby, none of these traditional picnic crashers, possibly Big-headed Ants (Pheidole species), made it through the toad’s dragnet.
Eastern Black Carpenter Ant
What had this Eastern Black Carpenter Ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus) so frustrated during its attempt to spoil our affair?
Eastern Black Carpenter Ant
The recycled plastic lumber picnic table left this party pooper with nothing to chew…
Decaying Tree Stump
…so it’s back to gnawing on this rotting stump for you!
Crab Spider
We spied this curious little Crab Spider (Tmarus species) searching the benches for tiny invertebrates.
Running Crab Spider
Then, at the corner of the table, we found this Running Crab Spider (Philodromus species) clutching what appeared to be two ofttimes pesky, but harmless, flying insects called non-biting midges (Chironomidae).
Running Crab Spider
Down the hatch!  Though smaller than your pinky fingernail, the Running Crab Spider is still an accomplished predator.

After enjoying our little luncheon and watching all the sideshows, it was time to cautiously make our way home,…

Snapping Turtle
…halting briefly to allow this Snapping Turtle a chance to cross the road.