Heat Flux Processes in Streams and Their Impact on Coldwater and Coolwater Fishes

The deluge of rain that soaked the lower Susquehanna watershed during last week is now just a memory.  Streams to the west of the river, where the flooding courtesy of the remnants of Hurricane Debby was most severe, have reached their crest and receded.  Sliding away toward the Chesapeake and Atlantic is all that runoff, laden with a brew of pollutants including but not limited to: agricultural nutrients, sediment, petroleum products, sewage, lawn chemicals, tires, dog poop, and all that litter—paper, plastics, glass, Styrofoam, and more.  For aquatic organisms including our freshwater fish, these floods, particularly when they occur in summer, can compound the effects of the numerous stressors that already limit their ability to live, thrive, and reproduce.

(Environmental Protection Agency image)

One of those preexisting stressors, high water temperature, can be either intensified or relieved by summertime precipitation.  Runoff from forested or other densely vegetated ground normally has little impact on stream temperature.  But segments of waterways receiving significant volumes of runoff from areas of sun-exposed impervious ground will usually see increases during at least the early stages of a rain event.  Fortunately, projects implemented to address the negative impacts of stormwater flow and stream impairment can often have the additional benefit of helping to attenuate sudden rises in stream temperature.

Stream Subjected to Agricultural Runoff
While a row of trees along a creek can help provide protection from the thermal impact of the sun, a vegetative riparian buffer must be much wider to be effective for absorbing, cooling, and treating runoff from fields, lawns, and paved surfaces.  This buffer is too narrow to prevent surface runoff from polluting the water.

Of the fishes inhabiting the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed’s temperate streams, the least tolerant of summer warming are the trouts and sculpins—species often described as “coldwater fishes”.  Coldwater fishes require water temperatures below 70° Fahrenheit to thrive and reproduce.  The optimal temperature range is 50° to 65° F.  In the lower Susquehanna valley, few streams are able to sustain trouts and sculpins through the summer months—largely due to the effects of warm stormwater runoff and other forms of impairment.

Blue Ridge Sculpin
Sculpins, including the Blue Ridge Sculpin (Cottus caeruleomentum) seen here, are native coldwater fishes which, during the 11,000 years since the last glacial maximum, have had the availability of their favored habitat sharply reduced by warming water temperatures and a rising Atlantic.  During this interval, seawater has inundated the path of the “Late” Pleistocene lower Susquehanna which passed through the section of flooded river watershed we now call Chesapeake Bay and continued across the continental shelf to what was, during the glacial maximum, the river’s mouth at Norfolk Canyon.  Today, cut off from neighboring drainage basins, sculpins survive exclusively in cold headwaters, and only in those where human alterations including pollution, dams, channelization, and reduced base flow haven’t yet eliminated their isolated populations.  Formerly believed to be composed of two widespread North American species, the Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and the Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii), study in recent decades is discovering that sculpin populations in the present-day lower Susquehanna and neighboring Potomac headwaters consist of at least three newly delineated species: Blue Ridge Sculpin, Potomac Sculpin (Cottus gerardi), and Checkered Sculpin (Cottus sp.), the latter an as yet undescribed species found only in the refugium of limestone springs in the Potomac drainage in West Virginia; Frederick and Washington Counties, Maryland; and Franklin County, Pennsylvania.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Ice Age Susquehanna
Stare at this for a little while, you’ll figure it out…………More than 11,000 years ago, during the last glacial maximum, when sea level was about 275 feet lower than it is today, there was no Chesapeake Bay, just a great Susquehanna River that flowed to the edge of the continental shelf and its mouth at Norfolk Canyon.  It was a river draining taiga forests of pine, spruce , and fir, and it carried along the waters of all the present-day bay’s tributaries and more.  The section of the river’s watershed we presently call the lower Susquehanna was, at the time, the upper Susquehanna watershed.  Brook Trout and sculpins had the run of the river and its tributaries back then.  And the entire watershed was a coldwater fishery, with limestone and other groundwater springs providing not refuge from summer heat, but a place to escape freezing water.  (United States Geological Survey base image)
Norfolk Canyon, the mouth of the Susquehanna River during the most recent glacial maximum, now lies more than 275 feet below the surface of the ocean and plunges to more than a mile in depth along the finger of out wash from the gorge.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Rainbow. Brown, and Brook Trout
Tens of thousands of trout are raised in state-operated and cooperative nurseries for stocking throughout the lower Susquehanna valley.  These rearing facilities are located on spring-fed headwaters with sufficient flow to assure cold temperatures year round.  While the Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) are the most commonly stocked species, the Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is the only one native to American waters.  It is the least tolerant of stream warming and still reproduces in the wild only in a few pristine headwaters streams in the region.  During spring, all three of these species have been observed on rare occasions entering the fish lift facilities at the hydroelectric dams on the river, presumably returning to the Susquehanna as sea-run trout.

Coldwater fishes are generally found in small spring-fed creeks and  headwaters runs. Where stream gradient, substrate, dissolved oxygen, and other parameters are favorable, some species may be tolerant of water warmer than the optimal values.  In other words, these temperature classifications are not set in stone and nobody ever explained ichthyology to a fish, so there are exceptions.  The Brown Trout for example is sometimes listed as a “coldwater transition fish”, able to survive and reproduce in waters where stream quality is exceptionally good but the temperature may periodically reach the mid-seventies.

Eastern Blacknose Dace
The Eastern Blacknose Dace is sometimes classified as a “coldwater transition fish”.   It can be found in headwaters runs as well as in creeks with good water quality.
Longnose Dace
The Longnose Dace is another “coldwater transition fish” known only from clear, clean, flowing waters.

More tolerant of summer heat than the trouts, sculpins, and daces are the “coolwater fishes”—species able to feed, grow, and reproduce in streams with a temperature of less than 80° F, but higher than 60° F.  Coolwater fishes thrive in creeks and rivers that hover in the 65° to 70° F range during summer.

Creek Chubs
The Creek Chub is a familiar species of “coolwater fish” seldom found remaining in waters exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) was perhaps the most frequently targeted coolwater “gamefish” in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed prior to the introduction of the Northern Pike (Esox lucius) and Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy).  Today’s prevalence of warmwater streams and the dozens of species of non-native predatory fishes now naturalized within them have left the Yellow Perch populations greatly reduced and all but forgotten by anglers.  Out of sight, out of mind.  (National Park Service image)

What are the causes of modern-day reductions in coldwater and coolwater fish habitats in the lower Susquehanna River and its hundreds of miles of tributaries?  To answer that, let’s take a look at the atmospheric, cosmic, and hydrologic processes that impact water temperature.  Technically, these processes could be measured as heat flux—the rate of heat energy transfer per unit area per unit time, frequently expressed as watts per meter squared (W/m²).  Without getting too technical, we’ll just take a look at the practical impact these processes have on stream temperatures.


Heat Flux Processes on Stream and River Segments.  These processes could be measured as heat flux—the rate of heat energy transfer per unit area per unit time.  (Environmental Protection Agency image)
      • INCOMING TEMPERATURE AND FLOW—The baseline temperature of stream water entering a given segment of waterway is obviously the chief factor determining its temperature when exiting that segment.  Incoming temperature and flow also determine the water’s susceptibility to heat absorption or loss while transiting the segment.  Lower flows may subject the given volume of water to a greater loss or gain of heat energy during the time needed to pass through the segment than the same volume at a higher flow.  Lower flows may also reduce stream velocity and extend a given volume of water’s exposure time to the exchange of heat energy while moving through the segment.  Generally speaking…
        1. …the higher the stream flow, the less a given volume of that stream’s  water may be impacted by the effects of the heat flux processes within the segment.
        2. …the lower the stream flow, the more a given volume of that stream’s water may be impacted by the effects of the heat flux processes within that segment.
        3. …the temperature and flow rate of precipitation entering the segment are factors that determine the impact of its heat energy transfer to or from a given volume of the stream’s waters.
        4. …the temperature and flow rate of runoff and point-source discharges entering the segment are factors that determine the impact of their heat energy transfer to or from a given volume of the stream’s waters.
Stormwater Discharge into Channelized Creek
Stormwater from impervious surfaces including roads, parking lots, roofs, and lawns quickly impacts temperatures in small creeks.  Channelized  streams are availed few of the positive attributes provided by many of the heat flux processes we’re about to see.  They therefore suffer from severe impairment and are exposed to temperature extremes that few aquatic organisms can survive.  Runoff from sun-heated pavement during a summer thunderstorm can often exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit and can, at sufficient flow rate, quickly raise the temperature of a small stream to well over 90 degrees.
Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater runoff not only poses a thermal threat to waterways, its a significant source of a wide variety of pollutants.
      • GROUNDWATER INPUT—In streams connected to the aquifer, the temperature in a flowing segment can be impacted by the influx of cold groundwater.  With temperatures ranging from about 52° to 60° Fahrenheit, groundwater will absorb heat from the stream in summer, and warm it in the winter.  In warmwater streams, coldwater and coolwater fishes will often seek areas of the substrate where groundwater is entering for use as refugium from the summer heat.  Yellow Perch in the lower Susquehanna are known to exhibit this behavior.
Creeks and rivers connected to the aquifer and receiving supplemental flow from it are known as “gaining streams”. These streams frequently feed water into the aquifer as well. (United States Geological Survey image)
When flowing through an area experiencing drought or an excessive removal of groundwater (lots of wells, etc.), a waterway can become a “losing stream”, one that surrenders a portion of its flow to recharge the aquifer.  Further downstream, the reduced flow can make such a creek or river more susceptible to the effects of heat flux processes.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Seriously depleted aquifers can lead to a “disconnected stream”.  Smaller waterways subjected to these conditions will sometimes lose all their flow to the ground, often causing a catastrophic failure of the aquatic ecosystem supported therein.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Urban Flooding and Dry Streambed
Urban runoff overwhelms this small stream with polluted water than can reach temperatures of 100 degrees or more (left), then lets it high and dry with no baseflow during periods of dry weather (right) as the waterway becomes disconnected from the much-depleted aquifer.
Stormwater Retention Basin
Well-designed and properly constructed stormwater retention basins not only recharge groundwater supplies for wells and streams, they can also help prevent thermal pollution in waterways.  Planted with native wetland species and allowed to thrive, they can become treasured wildlife islands in otherwise inhospitable environs.  The benefits don’t stop there; plants also help sequester nutrients contained in the runoff.
      • HYPORHEIC EXCHANGE—Related to groundwater input, hyporheic exchange is the slow movement of water through the rock, sand, gravel, and soils composing the streambed, saturated shoreline, shallow aquifer, and connected floodplain of a creek or river.  As a heat flux process, hyporheic exchange helps moderate extremes in seasonal water temperatures by conducting energy between the solid materials in the zone and the flowing water.  Hyporheic zones are important habitats for many species of aquatic invertebrates and spawning fish.  Natural chemical processes within these zones convert ammonia-producing wastes into nitrite, then nitrate, allowing it to be absorbed as food by plants growing in the stream or in the alluvium within the zone.  Vegetation removal, channelization, legacy sediments, silt deposits, and man-made walls and dams can negate the benefits of hyporheic exchange.
Exchange of surface and ground water within the hyporheic zone is most directly associated with high-gradient (left) and meandering (right) segments of streams. (United States Geological Survey image)
Legacy Sediments and Fill
Very common on streams in the lower Susquehanna valley are these accumulations of legacy sediments at the sites of former mill ponds.  After the dams were removed, the creeks began eroding their way down through the mire as they tried to reestablish their floodplains and find their native substrate.  These trapped waterways are not only cut off from their hyporheic zones, they’re now a major source of nutrient and sediment pollution.  Misguided landowners like this one frequently dump fill into these sites to “save their land” and “control flooding”.  The fill and materials added to “shore up the banks” do nothing to fix what ails the creek, but instead displace more water to make the impact of flooding even more widespread.
Flooplain and Stream Restoration
Rehabilitation projects that remove legacy sediments help restore hyporheic exchange by reconnecting the stream to its underlying geology, its floodplain, and its wetlands.  Rising waters remain in the floodplain where they get a good bio-scrubbing and help replenish the creek and groundwater supply.  As the experts say, “floodplains are for flooding.”
      • ATMOSPHERIC EXCHANGE (CONVECTION, EVAPORATION)—Primarily a process by which a stream loses heat energy and cools its waters, atmospheric exchange is also a means by which a warm air mass can relinquish heat to cooler waters and thus increase their temperature.  This phenomenon can be dramatically enhanced when a stream passes through a so-called urban heat island where air temperatures remain warm through the night.  Convection, the movement of heat energy through a fluid (liquid or gas), causes warmer, less-dense water to rise to the surface of a stream, particularly where there is minimal turbulence.  When the air above is cooler than the water’s surface layer, the stream will conduct heat energy across the water/atmosphere interface causing the warmed air molecules to rise in a convection column.  If the atmospheric relative humidity is less than 100%, some surface water will vaporize—a process that expends more of the stream’s heat energy.  The rate of convective and evaporative cooling in a given stream segment is directly related to the degree of difference between the water temperature and air temperature, and to the relative humidity in the air mass above the lake, creek, or river.  The mechanical action of stream turbulence including rapids, riffles, and falls increases the contact area between air and water to maximize the atmospheric exchange of heat energy.  The convective air current we call surface wind has a turbulent wave-producing effect on water that can also maximize atmospheric exchange; think of a cold autumn wind robbing heat energy from a warm lake or river or a hot summer wind imparting its heat to a cooler creek.  These exchanges are both conductive in nature (air-to-water/water-to-air) and evaporative, the latter being expedited by the movement of dry air over warm water.
Tessellated Darter
Usually classified as one of the coolwater fishes, the bottom-dwelling Tessellated Darter can thrive in the warmer creeks and in the main stem of the Susquehanna by inhabiting riffles where atmospheric exchange in the form of increased evaporation helps reduce temperatures and convective currents carry the cooler, well-oxygenated water to the streambed.
Three mile Island Unit 1 Cooling Towers
Humans utilize the concept of atmospheric exchange, adopting the phenomena of evaporation and convection to cool the hot waters produced during electric generation and other industrial processes before discharge into a lake or river.
      • STREAMBED CONDUCTIVE EXCHANGE—In the lower Susquehanna watershed, there may be no better natural example of streambed conductive exchange than the Triassic-Jurassic diabase pothole bedrocks of Conewago Falls on the river at the south end of Three Mile Island.
During sunny days, the massive diabase pothole rocks at Conewago Falls absorb solar (shortwave) radiation, then conduct that heat energy into the flowing water, often continuing to pass the accumulated warmth into the river during the night.  On cloudy days, the riverbed collects longwave atmospheric radiation, a heat flux process that yields significantly less energy for conduction into the rapids, riffles, and pools of the falls.  During periods of low river flow, the heating effect of streambed conductive exchange can become magnified.  Compared to conditions that prevail when torrents of turbid water are rushing through the falls, partially exposed bedrock surrounded by clear water collects radiated energy much more efficiently, then conducts the heat to a greatly reduced volume of passing water.  During summer and autumn, this process can create a mix of temperature zones within the falls with warmer water lingering in slow-moving pools and cooler water flowing in the deeper fast-moving channels.  Along the falls’ mile-long course, a haven is created for aquatic organisms including warmwater and some coolwater fishes, oft times attracting anglers and a variety of hungry migrating birds as well.
Classified as one of our coolwater fishes, the Fallfish finds favorable conditions for feeding, growing, and spawning in the well-oxygenated waters of Conewago Falls.
Northern Hog Sucker
Though the lower Susquehanna River is classified as a warmwater fishery, the Northern Hog Sucker (Hypentelium nigricans), another of our native coolwater fishes, finds the fast-moving waters of Conewago Falls to its liking.  Northern Hog Suckers are known to inhabit streams cold enough to host trout.  They exhibit remarkable home range fidelity, sometimes spending their entire lives occupying the same several hundred feet of waterway.  Northern Hog Suckers are often designated an indicator of good water quality, intolerant of many stream impairment parameters.  Their presence in Conewago Falls provides testament to the quality of the warmwater fishery there.
Severely Impaired Channelized Stream
An unnatural example.  The reduced base flow in this channelized and severely impaired creek has been rendered vulnerable to the negative impacts of several heat flux processes including streambed conductive exchange.  Urban stormwater/surfacewater inflow, solar (shortwave) radiation, and heat conducted into the stream from the masonry walls, curbs, and raceway can all conspire to cook aquatic organisms with life-quenching summer water temperatures exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
      • SOLAR (SHORTWAVE) RADIATION—The sun provides the energy that fuels the earth’s complex climate.  The primary heat flux process that heats our planet is the absorption of solar radiation in the shortwave spectrum, which includes ultraviolet, visible, and infrared frequencies at the upper end of the longwave spectrum.  Streams and other bodies of water absorb the greatest amounts of solar (shortwave) radiation during the weeks around summer solstice when the sun at mid-day is closer to zenith than at any other time of the year.  However, the heating impact of the radiation may be greatest when the volume of water in the creek, river, or lake is at its minimum for the year—often during early fall.
The rate, measured in watts per square meter, at which solar (shortwave) energy is directly radiated to a given area on the earth’s surface (including streams and other waters) is determined by: solar activity, the angle of the sun in the sky, aspect (slope) of the receiving surface, the opacity of the overlying atmosphere, and the distance of the earth from the sun.  The former varies with the year’s seasons, the time of day, and the latitude of a given area.  The latter is currently at its annual minimum when earth is at perihelion during the early days of January, thus providing the northern hemisphere with a little bump in radiation during the shortest days of the year when the sun is at its lowest angle in the sky.  (NASA image)
A varying portion of the solar (shortwave) radiation reaching the earth is reflected back into space by clouds.  A smaller share is absorbed by the atmosphere, thus heating it.  An even lesser quantity is reflected back into space by water and land.  The remainder of the energy is absorbed by the planet’s surfaces, its water and land. (NASA image)
      • INCIDENT SHORTWAVE RADIATION—Also known as insolation (incoming solar radiation), incident shortwave radiation is the sum total energy of both the direct solar radiation that travels to the earth’s surface unaffected by the atmosphere and the diffuse radiation, waves that have been weakened and scattered by constituents of the atmosphere before reaching the planet’s surface.  On a cloudy day, the warming of terrestrial surfaces including streams and other bodies of water is the result of diffuse radiation.  On days with any amount of sunshine at all, both direct and diffuse radiation heat our waters and lands.
Warmwater fishes such as the native Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) thrive in sun-drenched 70-to-85-degree waters as long as other heat flux processes prevent sudden temperature increases and oxygen depletion.
Mowed Stream Bank
Mowed stream banks offer a waterway no protection from incoming solar (shortwave) radiation, nor terrestrial forms of impairment including nutrient-rich stormwater runoff and silt.
      • REFLECTED SHORTWAVE RADIATION—known as albedo, reflected solar (shortwave) radiation is energy directed away from the earth’s surface before being absorbed.  A surface’s albedo value is basically determined by its color, black having little reflective value, white and silvery surfaces reflecting nearly all solar (shortwave) radiation away.  A surface with no reflective properties has an albedo value of 0, while a totally reflective surface has a value of 1.  Clean snow with a value of about 0.85 to 0.9 (85% to 90%) is a highly reflective surface; yellow snow isn’t as good.  A stream, river, or lake blanketed with ice and snow will absorb very little solar energy and will rely upon other heat flux processes to trigger a melt and thaw.  The surface of open water has a varying albedo value determined mostly by the angle of the sun.  Solar radiation striking the water’s surface at a low angle is mostly reflected away, while that originating at an angle closer to zenith is more readily absorbed.
Forested Stream
To avoid the heating effects of solar (shortwave) and atmospheric longwave radiation, coldwater and coolwater fishes require streams offering protection from full exposure to direct sunlight and cloud cover.  Runs and creeks flowing beneath a closed canopy of forest trees are shielded from 25% or more of incoming radiation and are thus able to better maintain thermal stability during the most vulnerable period of the year for temperature-sensitive fishes, May through October.
      • LONGWAVE RADIATION—Radiation in the longwave spectrum is composed of infrared waves at frequencies lower than those of the shortwave spectrum.  Longwave radiation, sometimes just called infrared radiation, is produced by the earth and its atmosphere and is propagated in all directions, day and night.  It warms mostly the lower atmosphere which in turn warms the earth’s surface including its waters.  Some longwave energy can even be radiated into the waterway from its own streambed—and the stream can return the favor.  Other forms of mass surrounding  a stream such as a rocky shoreline or a man-made structure such as bridge pier can trade longwave radiation with a waterway.  The effect of these latter exchanges is largely trivial and never rivals the heat flux transfer of warm to cold provided by  conduction.
Longwave radiation emissions slow as the temperature of the emitting mass decreases, just as they also increase with temperature of the mass.  Longwave radiation emissions therefore decrease with altitude along with the temperature of the water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases that produce them.  As such, the highest reaches of the atmosphere have a greatly reduced capability of shedding longwave radiation into space.  At ground level, lakes, creeks, and streams receive their greatest dose of longwave radiation while beneath the cover of low-lying clouds or fog.  (NASA image)
      • CANOPY RADIATION—Trees emit longwave radiation that may have a limited heat flux impact on waterway temperature.  This radiation is diffuse, of scattered effect, and scarcely detectable, particularly beneath multilayered dense canopies.  Some of the infrared energy transmitted by the tree canopy is radiated skyward as well.
      • WATER RADIATION—Water, like all earthly matter composed of vibrating molecules, emits longwave radiation.  This heat flux process provides an ongoing cooling effect to streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans—warmer ones shedding infrared energy at a faster rate than those that are cold.

Now that we have a basic understanding of the heat flux processes responsible for determining the water temperatures of our creeks and rivers, let’s venture a look at a few graphics from gauge stations on some of the lower Susquehanna’s tributaries equipped with appropriate United States Geological Survey monitoring devices.  While the data from each of these stations is clearly noted to be provisional, it can still be used to generate comparative graphics showing basic trends in easy-to-monitor parameters like temperature and stream flow.

Each image is self-labeled and plots stream temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (bold blue) and stream discharge in cubic feet per second (thin blue).

The West Conewago Creek drains much of the Gettysburg Basin’s Triassic redbeds in Adams and northern York Counties in Pennsylvania and includes a small headwaters area in northern Maryland.  The gauge station is located just a over a mile upstream from the waterway’s mouth on the Susquehanna just below Conewago Falls.  Right through the summer heatwave, this 90-day graph shows a consistent daily pattern of daytime rises in temperature and nighttime cooling.  To the right, a rapid cool down can be seen coinciding with two periods of high water, the first from a series of heavy thundershowers, the second from flooding caused by the remnants of Hurricane Debby.  Notice that the early August downpours were so heavy that they cooled the hot surface runoff and waterway quickly, without creating a rise in stream temperature at the gauging station.  Had this monitoring device been located on a small tributary in an area with an abundance of impervious surfaces, there would probably have been a brief rise in stream temperature prior to the cooldown.  (United States Geological Survey image)

The daily oscillations in temperature reflect the influence of several heat flux processes.  During the day, solar (shortwave) radiation and convection from summer air, especially those hot south winds, are largely responsible for the daily rises of about 5° F.  Longwave radiation has a round-the-clock influence—adding heat to the stream during the day and mostly shedding it at night.  Atmospheric exchange including evaporative cooling may help moderate the rise in stream temperatures during the day, and certainly plays a role in bringing them back down after sunset.  Along its course this summer, the West Conewago Creek absorbed enough heat to render it a warmwater fishery in the area of the gauging station.  The West Conewago is a shallow, low gradient stream over almost its entire course.  Its waters move very slowly, thus extending their exposure time to radiated heat flux and reducing the benefit of cooling by atmospheric exchange.  Fortunately for bass, catfish, and sunfish, these temperatures are in the ideal range for warmwater fishes to feed, grow, and reproduce—generally over 80° F, and ideally in the 70° to 85° F range.  Coolwater fishes though, would not find this stream segment favorable.  It was consistently above the 80° F maximum and the 60° to 70° F range preferred by these species.  And coldwater fishes, well, they wouldn’t be caught dead in this stream segment.  Wait, scratch that—the only way they would be caught in this segment is dead.  No trouts or sculpins here.

The Codorus Creek drains primarily the carbonate valleys of York County to the south of the West Conewago watershed.  This gauge station is located about a mile upstream from the creek’s mouth on the Susquehanna just below Haldeman Riffles.  The graphic pattern is very similar to that of the West Conewago’s: daily heating and cooling cycles and a noticeable drop in stream temperature in early August caused by a day of thundershowers followed by the remnants of Hurricane Debby.  (United States Geological Survey image)

Look closely and you’ll notice that although the temperature pattern on this chart closely resembles that of the West Conewago’s, the readings average about 5 degrees cooler.  This may seem surprising when one realizes that the Codorus follows a channelized path through the heart of York City and its urbanized suburbs—a heat island of significance to a stream this size.  Before that it passes through numerous impoundments where its waters are exposed to the full energy of the sun.  The tempering factor for the Codorus is its baseflow.  Despite draining a smaller watershed than its neighbor to the north, the Codorus’s baseflow (low flow between periods of rain) was 96 cubic feet per second on August 5th, nearly twice that of the West Conewago (51.1 cubic feet per second on August 5th).  Thus, the incoming heat energy was distributed over a greater mass in the Codorus and had a reduced impact on its temperature.  Though the Codorus is certainly a warmwater fishery in its lower reaches, coolwater and transitional fishes could probably inhabit its tributaries in segments located closer to groundwater sources without stress.  Several streams in its upper reaches are in fact classified as trout-stocked fisheries.

This is a zoomed-in look at the previous graph showing the impact of a rainfall event on the water temperatures in Codorus Creek.  Unlike the sharp declines accompanying the deluge of flood waters during the two events in early August, these lesser storms in late June generated just enough runoff to capture heat energy from impervious surfaces and warm the creek, temporarily breaking the daily heating/cooling cycle.  Upstream in the immediate area of the runoff, the impact on the stream and/or its tributaries was probably much more dramatic, certainly raising temperatures into the nineties or above.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Kreutz Creek drains a carbonate bedrock area of York County and flows parallel to the Lincoln Highway (US 30) to enter the Susquehanna at Wrightsville.  The gauging station is about one mile upstream from the creek’s mouth.   (United States Geological Survey image)

The Kreutz Creek gauge shows temperature patterns similar to those in the West Conewago and Codorus data sets, but notice the lower overall temperature trend and the flow.  Kreutz Creek is a much smaller stream than the other two, with a flow averaging less than one tenth that of the West Conewago and about one twentieth of that in the Codorus.  And most of the watershed is cropland or urban/suburban space.  Yet, the stream remains below 80° F through most of the summer.  The saving graces in Kreutz Creek are reduced exposure time and gradient.  The waters of Kreutz Creek tumble their way through a small watershed to enter the Susquehanna within twenty-four hours, barely time to go through a single daily heating and cooling cycle.  As a result, their is no chance for water to accumulate radiant and convective heat over multiple summer days.  The daily oscillations in temperature are less amplified than we find in the previous streams—a swing of about three degrees compared to five.  This indicates a better balance between heat flux processes that raise temperature and those that reduce it.  Atmospheric exchange in the stream’s riffles, forest cover, and good hyporheic exchange along its course could all be tempering factors in Kreutz Creek.  From a temperature perspective, Kreutz Creek provides suitable waters for coolwater fishes.

Muddy Creek drains portions of southern York County through rolling farmland and woodlots.  There are no large impoundments or widespread urban impacts in the watershed, which may help explain its slightly lower temperature trends.  (United States Geological Survey image)

Muddy Creek is a trout-stocked fishery, but it cannot sustain coldwater species through the summer heat.  Though temperatures in Muddy Creek may be suitable for coolwater fishes, silt, nutrients, low dissolved oxygen, and other factors could easily render it strictly a warmwater fishery, inhabited by species tolerant of significant stream impairment.

Chiques Creek drains mostly limestone farmland in northwestern Lancaster County.  The gauging station is located near the stream’s mouth on the Susquehanna at Chiques (Chickies) Rock.  Oscillations in temperature again resemble the other waterways, but daily highs remain almost entirely below 80 degrees.  (United States Geological Survey image)

A significant number of stream segments in the Chiques watershed have been rehabilitated to eliminate intrusion by grazing livestock, cropland runoff, and other sources of impairment.  Through partnerships between a local group of watershed volunteers and landowners, one tributary, Donegal Creek, has seen riparian buffers, exclusion fencing, and other water quality and habitat improvements installed along nearly ever inch of its run from Donegal Springs through high-intensity farmland to its mouth on the main stem of the Chiques just above its confluence with the Susquehanna.  The improved water quality parameters in the Donegal support native coldwater sculpins and an introduced population of reproducing Brown Trout.  While coldwater habitat is limited to the Donegal, the main stem of the Chiques and its largest tributary, the Little Chiques Creek, both provide suitable temperatures for coolwater fishes.

Limestone Formation on Little Chiques Creek
Streams in the Chiques Creek and similar limestone watersheds often pass through areas with significant bedrock formations.  Heat flux processes including groundwater input, hyporheic exchange, and streambed conductive exchange can have a greater influence on water temperature along these segments.
Eastern Blacknose Dace
A breeding condition Eastern Balcknose Dace, one of the coldwater transition fishes found in the Chiques and its tributaries.
Common Shiner
The Common Shiner (Luxilus cornutus), a fish tolerant of warmwater streams, prefers cool, clear waters for spawning.  For protection from late-spring and summer heat, breeding males may seek a section of creek with a streambed inflow of limestone groundwater to defend as their nesting territory.
A closeup of the Chiques Creek graph showing what appears to be a little bump in temperature caused by surface runoff during a couple of late-May showers.  Stream rehabilitation is an ongoing process and the pressures of land disturbances both old and new present challenges to those who make it their passion to fix the wrongs that have been inflicted upon our local waters.  Even the  exemplary Donegal Creek faces new threats from urbanization in one of its headwater areas several miles to the northwest of the historic springs.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Conewago Creek (East) drains primarily Triassic redbed farmlands in Dauphin, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties.  Much of the headwaters area is forested but is experiencing an increasing rate of encroachment by housing and some commercial development.  Conewago Creek (East) enters the Susquehanna on the east side of Conewago Falls at Three Mile Island.  The watershed is equipped with three U.S.G.S. gauge stations capable of providing temperature data.  This first one is located just over a mile upstream of the creek’s mouth.  (United States Geological Survey image)

Despite its meander through and receipt of water from high-intensity farmland, the temperature of the lower Conewago (East) maxes out at about 85° F, making it ideal for warmwater fishes and even those species that are often considered coolwater transition fishes like introduced Smallmouth Bass, Rock Bass, Walleye, and native Margined Madtom.  This survivable temperature is a testament to the naturally occurring and planted forest buffers along much of the stream’s course, particularly on its main stem.  But the Conewago suffers serious baseflow problems compared to other streams we’ve looked at so far.  Just prior to the early August storms, flow was well below 10 cubic feet per second for a drainage area of more than fifty square miles.  While some of this reduced flow is the result of evaporation, much of it is anthropogenic in origin as the rate of groundwater removal continues to increase  and a recent surge in stream withdraws for irrigation reaches its peak during the hottest days of summer.

Juvenile Rock Bass
A juvenile Rock Bass.
A juvenile Margined Madtom.
A juvenile Margined Madtom.
A closer look at the Conewago Creek (East) graphic shows the temperature drop associated with a series of thundershowers and the remnants of Hurricane Debby in early August.  Despite the baseflow being below five cubic feet per second, the cooling effect of the downpours as measured in the area of the gauge was significant enough to overwhelm any heating of runoff that may have occurred as precipitation drained across hardened soils or man-made impervious surfaces.  (United States Geological Survey image)

A little side note—the flow rate on the Conewago at the Falmouth gauge climbed to about 160 cubic feet per second as a result of the remnants of Hurricane Debby while the gauge on the West Conewago at Manchester skyrocketed to about 20,000 cubic feet per second.  Although the West Conewago’s watershed (drainage area) is larger than that of the Conewago on the east shore, it’s larger only by a multiple of two or three, not 125.  That’s a dramatic difference in rainfall!

The Bellaire monitoring station on Conewago Creek (East) is located on the stream’s main stem just downstream from the mouth of Little Conewago Creek, a tributary with its origins in farmland and woodlots.  (United States Geological Survey image)

The temperatures at the Bellaire monitoring station, which is located upstream of the Conewago’s halfway point between its headwaters in Mount Gretna and its mouth, are quite comparable to those at the Falmouth gauge.  Although a comparison between these two sets of data indicate a low net increase in heat absorption along the stream’s course between the two points, it also suggests sources of significant warming upstream in the areas between the Bellaire gauge and the headwaters.

Data from the gauge site on the Little Conewago Creek shows a temperature averaging about five degrees cooler than the gauge several miles downstream on the main stem of the Conewago at Bellaire.  (United States Geological Survey image)

The waters of the Little Conewago are protected within planted riparian buffers and mature woodland along much of their course to the confluence with the Conewago’s main stem just upstream of Bellaire.  This tributary certainly isn’t responsible for raising the temperature of the creek, but is instead probably helping to cool it with what little flow it has.

Juvenile Eastern Blacknose Dace (top) and a juvenile Longnose Dace.
A stream like the Little Conewago Creek with daily temperatures that remain mostly below 80 degrees and retreat to 75 degrees or less during the night can be suitable for coldwater transition fishes like these juvenile Eastern Blacknose Dace (top) and Longnose Dace.

Though mostly passing through natural and planted forest buffers above its confluence with the Little Conewago, the main stem’s critically low baseflow makes it particularly susceptible to heat flux processes that raise stream temperatures in segments within the two or three large agricultural properties where owners have opted not to participate in partnerships to rehabilitate the waterway.  The headwaters area, while largely within Pennsylvania State Game Lands, is interspersed with growing residential communities where potable water is sourced from hundreds of private and community wells—every one of them removing groundwater and contributing to the diminishing baseflow of the creek.  Some of that water is discharged into the stream after treatment at the two municipal sewer plants in the upper Conewago.  This effluent can become quite warm during processing and may have significant thermal impact when the stream is at a reduced rate of flow.  A sizeable headwaters lake is seasonally flooded for recreation in Mount Gretna.  Such lakes can function as effective mid-day collectors of solar (shortwave) radiation that both warms the water and expedites atmospheric exchange.

The Conewago Creek (East) Watershed from the Bellaire U.S.G.S. Gauging Station (lower left) upstream to the headwaters in Mount Gretna.  (United States Geological Survey image)

Though Conewago Creek (East) is classified as a trout-stocked fishery in its upper reaches in Lebanon County, its low baseflow and susceptibility to warming render it inhospitable to these coldwater fishes by late-spring/early summer.

River Chub
Despite being considered a warmwater fish, the River Chub (Nocomis micropogon) will ascend streams like the Conewago to seek cooler, gravel-bottomed waters for spawning.  Reduced baseflow has probably rendered the stream currently too small for this species on Pennsylvania State Game Lands in Colebrook where this specimen was photographed in 2018.
Juvenile Golden Shiner
The Golden Shiner, another warmwater fish, often ascends streams to enter cooler water. Juvenile Golden Shiners like this one will move into shallower headwaters not only to seek reduced temperatures, but to escape large predatory fishes as well.
Irrigation using stream water.
Irrigation of agricultural fields using a large portion of the already diminished baseflow in the Conewago Creek (East) just downstream of the Bellaire gauging station.  Despite millions of dollars in investment to rehabilitate this Susquehanna valley stream, the riparian buffers and other practices can have little effect when the creek gets sucked down to just a trickle.  Low baseflow is a hard nut to crack.  It’s best prevented, not corrected.
Hammer Creek, a trout-stocked fishery, originates, in part, within Triassic conglomerate in the Furnace Hills of Lebanon County, then flows north into the limestone Lebanon Valley where it picks up significant flow from other tributaries before working its way south back through the Furnace Hills into the limestone farmlands of Lancaster County.  From there the stream merges with the Cocalico Creek, then the Conestoga River, and at last the Susquehanna.  Note the tremendous daily temperature oscillations on this headwaters stream as it surges about 15 degrees each day before recovering back close to groundwater temperature by sunrise the next day.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Headwaters of Hammer Creek including Buffalo Springs, a significant source of cold groundwater feeding the western leg of the stream.  The large dams on this section that created the Lebanon and Rexmont Reservoirs have been removed.  (United States Geological Survey base image)

The removal of two water supply dams on the headwaters of Hammer Creek at Rexmont eliminated a large source of temperature fluctuation on the waterway, but did little to address the stream’s exposure to radiant and convective heat flux processes as it meanders largely unprotected out of the forest cover of Pennsylvania State Game Lands and through high-intensity farmlands in the Lebanon Valley.  Moderating the temperature to a large degree is the influx of karst water from Buffalo Springs, located about two miles upstream from this gauging station, and other limestone springs that feed tributaries which enter the Hammer from the east and north.  Despite the cold water, the impact of the stream’s nearly total exposure to radiative and other warming heat flux processes can readily be seen in the graphic.  Though still a coldwater fishery by temperature standards, it is rather obvious that rapid heating and other forms of impairment await these waters as they continue flowing through segments with few best management practices in place for mitigating pollutants.  By the time Hammer Creek passes back through the Furnace Hills and Pennsylvania State Game Lands, it is leaning toward classification as a coolwater fishery with significant accumulations of sediment and nutrients.  But this creek has a lot going for it—mainly, sources of cold water.  A core group of enthusiastic landowners could begin implementing the best management practices and undertaking the necessary water quality improvement projects that could turn this stream around and make it a coldwater treasure.  An organized effort is currently underway to do just that.  Visit Trout Unlimited’s Don Fritchey Chapter and Donegal Chapter to learn more.  Better yet, join them as a volunteer or cooperating landowner!

Male Creek Chub
The male Creek Chub, one of our coolwater fishes, develops head tubercles and becomes flushed with color during spawning season.  Hammer Creek not only provides a home for the Creek Chub, its cold headwaters provide refuge for a population of native Brook Trout too.
Like no other example we’ve looked at so far, this closeup of the Hammer Creek graphic shows temperature bumps correlating with the stormwater runoff from early August’s rains.  Because the stream flow is small and the precipitation rate was not as great at this location, the effect of heat flux from runoff is more readily apparent.  (United States Geological Survey image)
Brook Trout adult and juvenile.  (United States Fish and Wildlife Service image by Ryan Hagerty)

For coldwater fishes, the thousands of years since the most recent glacial maximum have seen their range slowly contract from nearly the entirety of the once much larger Susquehanna watershed to the headwaters of only our most pristine streams.  Through no fault of their own, they had the misfortune of bad timing—humans arrived and found coldwater streams and the groundwater that feeds them to their liking.  Some of the later arrivals even built their houses right on top of the best-flowing springs.  Today, populations of these fishes in the region we presently call the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed are seriously disconnected and the prospect for survival of these species here is not good.  Stream rehabilitation, groundwater management, and better civil planning and land/water stewardship are the only way coldwater fishes, and very possibly coolwater fishes as well, will survive.  For some streams like Hammer Creek, it’s not too late to make spectacular things happen.  It mostly requires a cadre of citizens, local government, project specialists, and especially stakeholders to step up and be willing to remain focused upon project goals so that the many years of work required to turn a failing stream around can lead to success.

Riparian Buffer
Riparian buffers with fences to exclude livestock can immediately begin improving water quality.  With establishment of such vegetative buffers, the effects of stressors that otherwise eliminate coldwater and coolwater fishes from these segments will begin to diminish.
Riparian Buffer
Within five to ten years, a riparian buffer planted with native trees is not only helping to reduce nutrient and sediment loads in the stream, it is also shielding the waters from heat flux processes including the solar (shortwave) radiation that raises water temperatures to levels not tolerated by coldwater and coolwater fishes.
Riparian Buffer
A well-established riparian buffer.
Forested Stream
A forested stream.

You’re probably glad this look at heat flux processes in streams has at last come to an end.  That’s good, because we’ve got a lot of work to do.

Add one more benefit to the wildflower meadow, it infiltrates stormwater to recharge the aquifer much better than mowed grass.  And another related plus, it reduces runoff and its thermal pollution.  Besides, you don’t have time to mow grass, because we have work to do!
Potomac Sculpin
Our native coldwater fishes including the Potomac Sculpin will survive only if we protect and expand the scattered few habitats where they have taken refuge.  They have no choice but to live in these seriously threatened places, but we do.  So let’s give ’em some space.  How ’bout it?  (United States Fish and Wildlife Service image by Ryan Hagerty)

Birds Along the River’s Edge

Just as bare ground along a plowed road attracts birds in an otherwise snow-covered landscape, a receding river or large stream can provide the same benefit to hungry avians looking for food following a winter storm.

Here is a small sample of some of the species seen during a brief stop along the Susquehanna earlier this week.

Song Sparrow
Along vegetated edges of the Susquehanna and its tributaries, the Song Sparrow is ubiquitous in its search for small seeds and other foods.  As the river recedes from the effects of this month’s rains, the shoreline is left bare of more recently deposited snow cover.  Song Sparrows and other birds are attracted to streamside corridors of frost-free ground to find sufficient consumables for supplying enough energy to survive the long cold nights of winter.
American Robin
Thousands of American Robins have been widespread throughout the lower Susquehanna valley during the past week.  Due to the mild weather during this late fall and early winter, some may still be in the process of working their way south.  Currently, many robins are concentrated along the river shoreline where receding water has exposed unfrozen soils to provide these birds with opportunities for finding earthworms (Lumbricidae) and other annelids.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
This Golden-crowned Kinglet was observed searching the trees and shrubs along the Susquehanna shoreline for tiny insects and spiders. Temperatures above the bare ground along the receding river can be a few degrees higher than in surrounding snow-covered areas, thus improving the chances of finding active prey among the trunks and limbs of the riparian forest.
Brown Creeper
Not far from the kinglet, a Brown Creeper is seen searching the bark of a Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) for wintering insects, as well as their eggs and larvae.  Spiders in all their life stages are a favorite too.
American Pipits
American Pipits not only inhabit farm fields during the winter months, they are quite fond of bare ground along the Susquehanna.  Seen quite easily along a strip of pebbly shoreline exposed by receding water, these birds will often escape notice when spending time on mid-river gravel and sand bars during periods of low flow.
An American Pipit on a bitterly cold afternoon along the Susquehanna.
An American Pipit on a bitterly cold afternoon along the Susquehanna.

One of Nature’s Finest: The Cardinal Flower

It may be one of the most treasured plants among native landscape gardeners.  The Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) blooms in August each year with a startling blaze of red color that, believe it or not, will sometimes be overlooked in the wild.

Cardinal Flower on a Stream
Cardinal Flower is most often found in wet soil along forested bodies of water.  The blooms of this shade-loving species may go unnoticed until rays of sunshine penetrate the canopy to strike their brilliant red petals.

The Cardinal Flower grows in wetlands as well as in a variety of moist soils along streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds.  Shady locations with short periods of bright sun each day seem to be favored for an abundance of color.

Cardinal Flower and Great Blue Lobelia
Cardinal Flower in bloom in a riparian forest along the Susquehanna.  To its right is its close relative, Great Lobelia, a plant sometimes known as Great Blue Lobelia or Blue Cardinal Flower.
Cardinal Flower in a wet bottomland woods.
Cardinal Flower in a wet bottomland woods.
The Cardinal Flower can find favorable growing conditions along stream, river and lake shores.
The Cardinal Flower can find favorable growing conditions along stream, river, and lake shores.  Even though they are perennial plants, their presence along such waters often seems temporary.  Changing conditions cause them to suddenly disappear from known locations, then sometimes reappear at the same place or elsewhere nearby.  Some of this phenomenon may be due to the fact that stressed plants can fail to bloom, so they easily escape notice.  When producing flowers during favorable years, the plants seem to mysteriously return.
Cardinal Flowers along a wave-swept shoreline light up the greenery of erosion-controlling riparian vegetation with glowing red color.
Cardinal Flowers along a wave-swept shoreline light up the greenery of erosion-controlling riparian vegetation with glowing red color.

The Cardinal Flower can be an ideal plant for attracting hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and other late-summer pollinators.  It grows well in damp ground, especially in rain gardens and along the edges streams, garden ponds, and stormwater retention pools.  If you’re looking to add Cardinal Flower to your landscape, you need first to…


Cardinal Flower plants are available at many nurseries that carry native species of garden and/or pond plants.  Numerous online suppliers offer seed for growing your own Cardinal Flowers.  Some sell potted plants as well.  A new option is to grow Cardinal Flowers from tissue cultures.  Tissue-cultured plants are raised in laboratory media, so the pitfalls of disease and hitchhikers like invasive insects and snails are eliminated.  These plants are available through the aquarium trade from most chain pet stores.  Though meant to be planted as submerged aquatics in fish tank substrate, we’ve reared the tissue-cultured stock indoors as emergent plants in sandy soil and shallow water through the winter and early spring.  When it warms up, we transplant them into the edges of the outdoor ponds to naturalize.  As a habit, we always grow some Cardinal Flower plants in the fish tanks to take up the nitrates in the water and to provide a continuous supply of cuttings for starting more emergent stock for outdoor use.

Tissue culture Cardinal Flower being grown as a submerged aquatic in a fish aquarium.
A tissue-cultured Cardinal Flower rooted in sandy substrate and being grown as a submerged aquatic plant in a fish tank.  Cuttings from this plant will be used to grow emergent specimens in shallow water for transplanting outdoors around the garden pond.
Cardinal Flower from Tissue Culture
A Cardinal Flower grown from an aquarium store tissue culture blooms in the pond at susquehannawildlife.net headquarters.
Cardinal Flower blooming in November.
Grown as an emergent, Cardinal Flower may bloom very late in the season.  This tissue-cultured specimen in the headquarters pond was photographed in early November, 2022.

Plantings for Wet Lowlands

This linear grove of mature trees, many of them nearly one hundred years old, is a planting of native White Oaks (Quercus alba) and Swamp White Oaks (Quercus bicolor).

Imagine the benefit of trees like this along that section of stream you’re mowing or grazing right now.  The Swamp White Oak in particular thrives in wet soils and is available now for just a couple of bucks per tree from several of the lower Susquehanna’s County Conservation District Tree Sales.  These and other trees and shrubs planted along creeks and rivers to create a riparian buffer help reduce sediment and nutrient pollution.  In addition, these vegetated borders protect against soil erosion, they provide shade to otherwise sun-scorched waters, and they provide essential wildlife habitat.  What’s not to love?

Swamp White Oak
Autumn leaf of a Swamp White Oak

The following native species make great companions for Swamp White Oaks in a lowland setting and are available at bargain prices from one or more of the County Conservation District Tree Sales now underway…

Red Maple
The Red Maple is an ideal tree for a stream buffer project. They do so well that you should limit them to 10% or less of the plants in your project so that they don’t overwhelm slower-growing species.
River Birch
The River Birch (Betula nigra) is a multi-trunked tree of lowlands.  Large specimens with arching trunks help shade waterways and provide a source of falling insects for surface-feeding fish.  Its peeling bark is a distinctive feature.
Common Winterberry
The Common Winterberry with its showy red winter-time fruit is a slow-growing shrub of wet soils.  Only female specimens of this deciduous holly produce berries, so you need to plant a bunch to make sure you have both genders for successful pollination.
American Robins feeding on Common Winterberry.
An American Robin feeding on Common Winterberry.
Common Spicebush
Common Spicebush is a shrub of moist lowland soils.  It is the host plant for the Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly and produces small red berries for birds and other wildlife.  Plant it widely among taller trees to provide native vegetation in the understory of your forest.
Common Spicebush foliage and berries.
Common Spicebush foliage and berries in the shade beneath a canopy of tall trees.
Common Pawpaw
The Common Pawpaw a small shade-loving tree of the forest understory.
Common Pawpaw
Common Pawpaw is a colony-forming small tree which produces a fleshy fruit.  It is the host plant for the caterpillars of the Zebra Swallowtail.
The Buttonbush is a shrub of wet soils.  It produces a round flower cluster, followed by this globular seed cluster.
Eastern Sycamore
And don’t forget the Eastern Sycamore, the giant of the lowlands.  At maturity, the white-and-tan-colored bark on massive specimens makes them a spectacular sight along stream courses and river shores.  Birds ranging from owls, eagles, and herons to smaller species including the Yellow-throated Warbler rely upon them for nesting sites.
Yellow-crowned Night Herons Nesting in an Eastern Sycamore
Yellow-crowned Night Herons, an endangered species in Pennsylvania, nesting in an Eastern Sycamore.

So don’t mow, do something positive and plant a buffer!

Act now to order your plants because deadlines are approaching fast.  For links to the County Conservation District Tree Sales in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed, see our February 18th post.

Get Away From It All

For those of you who dare to shed that filthy contaminated rag you’ve been told to breathe through so that you might instead get out and enjoy some clean air in a cherished place of solitude, here’s what’s around—go have a look.

Northern Flickers have arrived.  Look for them anywhere there are mature trees.  Despite the fact that flickers are woodpeckers, they often feed on the ground.  You’ll notice the white rump and yellow wing linings when they fly away.
The tiny Chipping Sparrow frequently nests in small trees in suburban gardens.  Lay off the lawn treatments to assure their success.
Field Sparrows (Spizella fusilla) are a breeding species in abandoned fields where successional growth is underway.
White-throated Sparrows spend the winter in the lower Susquehanna valley.  Their numbers are increasing now as waves of migrants pass through on their way north.
Northbound flocks of Rusty Blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus) are currently found feeding in forest swamps along the Susquehanna.  Their noisy calls sound like a chorus of squeaking hinges.
Migratory Red-shouldered Hawks are also making feeding stops at area wetlands.
The Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) is easily identified by its tail pumping behavior.  Look for it in shrubs along the river shoreline or near lakes and streams.  Palm Warblers are among the earliest of the warblers to move through in the spring.

The springtime show on the water continues…

Common Loons will continue migrating through the area during the upcoming month.
Buffleheads are still transiting the watershed.
Horned Grebes are occurring on the river and on local lakes.
Seeing these one-year-old male Hooded Mergansers, the bachelors, wandering around without any adult males or females is a good sign.  The adults should have moved on to the breeding grounds and local pairs should be well into a nesting cycle by now.  Hatching could occur any day.
Like Hooded Mergansers, Wood Ducks are cavity nesters, but their egg laying, incubation, and hatching often occurs a month or more later than that of the hoodies.  Judging by the attentiveness of the drake, this pair of woodies is probably in the egg-laying stage of its breeding cycle right now.
Redheads (Aythya americana) are stopping for a rest on their way north.
In spring, Double-crested Cormorants proceed up the river in goose-like flocks with adult birds like these leading the way.

Hey, what are those showy flowers?

That’s Lesser Celandine (Ficaria verna).  It’s often called Fig Buttercup.  In early April it blankets stream banks throughout the lower Susquehanna region.  If you don’t remember seeing it growing like that when you were younger, there’s a reason.  Lesser Celandine is an escape from cultivation that has become invasive.  While the appearance is tolerable; it’s the palatability that ruins everything.  It’s poisonous if eaten by people or livestock.
The Eastern Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a dainty native wildflower of riparian forests and other woodlands throughout the lower Susquehanna valley.
The Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) is beginning to bloom now.  It’s a native of the region’s damp forests.
Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) is not native to the Susquehanna watershed, but neither is it considered invasive.  It creates colorful patches in riparian forests.
Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) is a strikingly beautiful native wildflower that grows on undisturbed forested slopes throughout the Susquehanna valley.

Wasn’t that refreshing?  Now go take a walk.

Looking Up

One can get a stiff neck looking up at the flurry of bird activity in the treetops at this time of year.  Many of the Neotropical migrants favor rich forests as daytime resting sites after flying through the night.  For others, these forests are a destination where they will nest and raise their young.

The Veery (Catharus fuscescens) is a Neotropical thrush that breeds in extensive mature forest on the dampest slopes of the Diabase ridges in the Gettysburg Basin. Their rolling flute-like songs echo through the understory as newly arrived birds establish nesting territories.
The whistled song of the Baltimore Oriole is often heard long before this colorful Neotropical is seen among the foliage of a treetop.  Some dead branches allow us a glimpse of this curious beauty.
The “Pee-a-wee……..Pee-urr” song of the Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens), a small flycatcher, is presently heard in the Riparian Woodlands at Conewago Falls.  It breeds in forested tracts throughout the lower Susquehanna valley. The vocalizations often continue through the summer, ending only when the birds depart to return to the tropics for the winter.
While constructing a nest beneath a tree canopy, an Eastern Wood-Pewee form-fits the cup where eggs will soon be laid.
The Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americana) nests in the treetops of Riparian Woodlands along the Susquehanna and its tributaries.  Most arrive during the second half of May for their summer stay.  It is a renowned consumer of caterpillars.
The Cedar Waxwing is a notorious wanderer.  Though not a Neotropical migrant, it is a very late nester.  Flocks may continue moving for another month before pairs settle on a place to raise young.
Of the more than twenty species of warblers which regularly migrate through the lower Susquehanna Valley, the Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) is among those which breeds here.  It is particularly fond of streamside thickets.

For the birds that arrive earlier in spring than the Neotropical migrants, the breeding season is well underway.  The wet weather may be impacting the success of the early nests.

Northern Rough-winged Swallows arrived back in April.  At traditional nest sites, including the York Haven Dam and local creek bridges, small groups of adults were seen actively feeding and at times perching in dead treetops during recent days.  There was an absence of visits to the actual nest cavities where they should be feeding and fledging young by now.  It’s very possible that these nests failed due to the wet weather and flooding.  Another nest attempt may follow if drier conditions allow stream levels to subside and there is an increase in the mass of flying insects available for the adults to feed to their young..
A Carolina Chickadee, a resident species, is seen atop a hollow stump where it and a mate are constructing a new nest for a second brood.  Did the first brood fail?  Not sure.
Common Mergansers are an uncommon but regular nesting species of waterfowl on the lower Susquehanna River.  They nest in cavities, requiring very large trees to accommodate their needs.  It was therefore encouraging to see this pair on a forested stream in northern Lancaster County during the weekend.  However, a little while after this photograph was taken the pair flew away, indicating that they are not caring for young which by now should be out of the nest and on the move under the watchful care of the female.

So long for now, if you’ll excuse me please, I have a sore neck to tend to.

Eighteen, and I Like It

Is this the same Conewago Falls I visited a week ago?  Could it really be?  Where are all the gulls, the herons, the tiny critters swimming in the potholes, and the leaping fish?  Except for a Bald Eagle on a nearby perch, the falls seems inanimate.

Yes, a week of deep freeze has stifled the Susquehanna and much of Conewago Falls.  A hike up into the area where the falls churns with great turbulence provided a view of some open water.  And a flow of open water is found downstream of the York Haven Dam powerhouse discharge.  All else is icing over and freezing solid.  The flow of the river pinned beneath is already beginning to heave the flat sheets into piles of jagged ice which accumulate behind obstacles and shallows.

Ice and snow surround a small zone of open water in a high-gradient area of Conewago Falls.
Ice chunks and sheets accumulate atop the York Haven Dam.  The weight of miles of ice backed up behind the dam eventually forces the accumulation over the top and into the Pothole Rocks below.  The popping and cracking sounds of ice both above and below the dam could be heard throughout the day as hydraulic forces continuously break and move ice sheets.
Steam from the Unit 1 cooling towers at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station rises above the frozen Riverine Grasslands at Conewago Falls.  The scouring action of winter ice keeps the grasslands clear of substantial woody growth and prevents succession into forest.
Despite a lack of activity on the river, mixed flocks of resident and wintering birds, including this White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), were busy feeding in the Riparian Woodlands.  The White-breasted Nuthatch is a cavity nester and year-round denizen of hardwoods, often finding shelter during harsh winter nights in small tree holes.
The White-breasted Nuthatch is often seen working its way head-first down a tree trunk as it probes with its well-adapted bill for insects among the bark.
Looking upstream from the river’s east shore at ice and snow cover on the Susquehanna above Conewago Falls and the York Haven Dam.  The impoundment, known as Lake Frederic, and its numerous islands of the Gettysburg Basin Archipelago were locked in winter’s frosty grip today.  Hill Island (Left) and Poplar Island (Center) consist of erosion-resistant York Haven Diabase, as does the ridge on the far shoreline seen rising in the distance between them.  To the right of Poplar Island in this image, the river passes by the Harrisburg International Airport.  At the weather station there, the high temperature was eighteen degrees Fahrenheit on this first day of 2018.

Loading Up For Winter

A very light fog lifted quickly at sunrise.  Afterward, there was a minor movement of migrants: forty-nine Ring-billed Gulls, a few American Herring Gulls, a Red-shouldered Hawk following the river to the southeast, and small flocks totaling nine Cedar Waxwings and twenty-eight Red-winged Blackbirds.

A Belted Kingfisher in the morning fog.
A Ring-billed Gull calls as active migrants pass overhead on their way downriver.

In the Riparian Woodland, small mixed flocks of winter resident and year-round resident birds were actively feeding.  They must build and maintain a layer of body fat to survive blustery cold nights and the possible lack of access to food during snowstorms.  There’s no time to waste; nasty weather could bring fatal hardship to these birds soon.

A Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) feeds on the seeds of an Eastern Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), also known as American Sycamore.  Chickadees are generalist feeders, eating invertebrates and suet at feeding stations in addition to the seeds of many plants.  Carolina Chickadees are year-round residents at Conewago Falls.
A fast-moving Golden-crowned Kinglet zips from limb to limb to grab tiny insects and other invertebrates.  During the winter, these petite birds will carefully probe the bark and crevices of trees to glean enough food to survive.  Golden-crowned Kinglets are winter residents at Conewago Falls.  In spring, they will depart to nest in coniferous forests.
A Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens) searches an infected tree for insects.  They are year-round residents.
Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) are considered year-round residents at Conewago Falls, though they may withdraw to the south during severe winters.  Carolina Wrens sing year-round.  Today, their loud melody echoed through the Riparian Woodland all morning.
The tiny bob-tailed Winter Wren is an elusive ground-dwelling winter resident at the falls.  You may hear their scolding chatter from rocky areas and tree logs where they climb around mouse-like in search of small invertebrates.  Their song is a fast jumble of dainty musical trills that can sometimes be heard echoing through the Riparian Woodland in winter.  In spring, they’ll depart to nest in damp coniferous forests.


Temperatures plummeted to well below freezing during the past two nights, but there was little sign of it in Conewago Falls this morning.  The fast current in the rapids and swirling waters in flooded Pothole Rocks did not freeze.  Ice coated the standing water in potholes only in those rocks lacking a favorable orientation to the sun for collecting solar heat during the day to conduct into the water during the cold nights.

On the shoreline, the cold snap has left its mark.  Ice covers the still waters of the wetlands.  Frost on exposed vegetation lasted until nearly noontime in shady areas.  Insect activity is now grounded and out of sight.  The leaves of the trees tumble and fall to cover the evidence of a lively summer.

The nocturnal bird flight is narrowing down to just a few species.  White-throated Sparrows, a Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana), and Song Sparrows are still on the move.  Though their numbers are not included in the migration count, hundreds of the latter are along the shoreline and in edge habitat around the falls right now.  Song Sparrows are present year-round, migrate at night, and are not seen far from cover in daylight, so migratory movements are difficult to detect.  It is certain that many, if not all of the Song Sparrows here today have migrated and arrived here recently.  The breeding population from spring and summer has probably moved further south.  And many of the birds here now may remain for the winter.  Defining the moment of this dynamic, yet discrete, population change and logging it in a count would certainly require different methods.

Song Sparrows are now abundant in the brushy edges of fields and woodlands.  They may even break into song on sunny days.

Diurnal migration was foiled today by winds from southerly directions and moderating temperatures.  The only highlight was an American Robin flight that extended into the morning for a couple of hours after daybreak and totaled over 800 birds.  This flight was peppered with an occasional flock of blackbirds.  Then too, there were the villains.


They’re dastardly, devious, selfish, opportunistic, and abundant.  Today, they were the most numerous diurnal migrant.  Their numbers made this one of the biggest migration days of the season, but they are not recorded on the count sheet.  It’s no landmark day.  They excite no one.  For the most part, they are not recognized as migrants because of their nearly complete occupation of North America south of the taiga.  If people build on it or alter it, these birds will be there.  They’re everywhere people are.  If the rotten attributes of man were wrapped up into one bird, an “anthropoavian”, this would be it.

Meet the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris).  Introduced into North America in 1890, the species has spread across the entire continent.  It nests in cavities in buildings and in trees.  Starlings are aggressive, particularly when nesting, and have had detrimental impacts on the populations of native cavity nesting birds, particularly Red-headed Woodpeckers, Purple Martins (Progne subis), and Eastern Bluebirds.  They commonly terrorize these and other native species to evict them from their nest sites.  European Starlings are one of the earlier of the scores of introduced plants and animals we have come to call invasive species.

Noisy flocks of European Starlings are right at home on man-made structures in city and country.

Today, thousands of European Starlings were on the move, working their way down the river shoreline and raiding berries from the vines and trees of the Riparian Woodlands.  My estimate is between three and five thousand migrated through during the morning.  But don’t worry, thousands more will be around for the winter.

European Starlings mob a Sharp-shinned Hawk from above, a common behavior.
An Eastern Bluebird feeds on the few berries left untouched by passing European Starlings.

A Quick Getaway

It was a placid morning on Conewago Falls with blue skies dotted every now and then by a small flock of migrating robins or blackbirds.  The jumbled notes of a singing Winter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis) in the Riparian Woodland softly mixed with the sounds of water spilling over the dam.  The season’s first Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa), Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors), American Herring Gull (Larus smithsonianus), Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris), and White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) were seen.

There was a small ruckus when one of the adult Bald Eagles from a local pair spotted an Osprey passing through carrying a fish.  This eagle’s effort to steal the Osprey’s catch was soon interrupted when an adult eagle from a second pair that has been lingering in the area joined the pursuit.  Two eagles are certainly better than one when it’s time to hustle a skinny little Osprey, don’t you think?

But you see, this just won’t do.  It’s a breach of eagle etiquette, don’t you know?  Soon both pairs of adult eagles were engaged in a noisy dogfight.  It was fussing and cackling and the four eagles going in every direction overhead.  Things calmed down after about five minutes, then a staring match commenced on the crest of the dam with the two pairs of eagles, the “home team” and the “visiting team”, perched about 100 feet from each other.  Soon the pair which seems to be visiting gave up and moved out of the falls for the remainder of the day.  The Osprey, in the meantime, was able to slip away.

In recent weeks, the “home team” pair of Bald Eagles, seen regularly defending territory at Conewago Falls, has been hanging sticks and branched tree limbs on the cross members of the power line tower where they often perch.  They seem only to collect and display these would-be nest materials when the “visiting team” pair is perched in the nearby tower just several hundred yards away…an attempt to intimidate by homesteading.  It appears that with winter and breeding time approaching, territorial behavior is on the increase.

The second migrating Osprey of the day ran the gauntlet of marauding eagles without incident.

In the afternoon, a fresh breeze from the south sent ripples across the waters among the Pothole Rocks.  The updraft on the south face of the diabase ridge on the east shore was like a highway for some migrating hawks, falcons, and vultures.  Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus) and Turkey Vultures streamed off to the south headlong into the wind after leaving the ridge and crossing the river.  A male and female Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius), ten Red-tailed Hawks, two Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus), six Sharp-shinned Hawks, and two Merlins crossed the river and continued along the diabase ridge on the west shore, accessing a strong updraft along its slope to propel their journey further to the southwest.  Four high-flying Bald Eagles migrated through, each following the east river shore downstream and making little use of the ridge except to gain a little altitude while passing by.

(Top and Middle) Turkey Vultures riding the fresh breeze and teetering to-and-fro on up-tilted wings.  This wing posture is known as a dihedral.  (Bottom) More than 100 migrating Black Vultures climbed high on the afternoon breeze to make an oblique crossing of the river and maintain a southbound course.

Late in the afternoon, the local Bald Eagles were again airborne and cackling up a storm.  This time they intercepted an eagle coming down the ridge toward the river and immediately forced the bird to climb if it intended to pass.  It turned out to be the best sighting of the day, and these “home team” eagles found it first.  It was a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) in crisp juvenile plumage.  On its first southward voyage, it seemed to linger after climbing high enough for the Bald Eagles to loose concern, then finally selected the ridge route and crossed the river to head off to the southwest.

Ring-billed Gulls began feeding during the afternoon as clouds preceding stormy weather approached.

Blue Jay Way

The Neotropical birds that raised their young in Canada and in the northern United States have now logged many miles on their journey to warmer climates for the coming winter.  As their density decreases among the masses of migrating birds, a shift to species with a tolerance for the cooler winter weather of the temperate regions will be evident.

Though it is unusually warm for this late in September, the movement of diurnal migrants continues.  This morning at Conewago Falls, five Broad-winged Hawks (Buteo platypterus) lifted from the forested hills to the east, then crossed the river to continue a excursion to the southwest which will eventually lead them and thousands of others that passed through Pennsylvania this week to wintering habitat in South America.  Broad-winged Hawks often gather in large migrating groups which swarm in the rising air of thermal updrafts, then, after gaining substantial altitude, glide away to continue their trip.  These ever-growing assemblages from all over eastern North America funnel into coastal Texas where they make a turn to south around the Gulf of Mexico, then continue on toward the tropics.  In the coming weeks, a migration count at Corpus Christi in Texas could tally 100,000 or more Broad-winged Hawks in a single day as a large portion of the continental population passes by.  You can track their movement and that of other diurnal raptors as recorded at sites located all over North America by visiting hawkcount.org on the internet.  Check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.

Nearly all of the other migrants seen today have a much shorter flight ahead of them.  Red-bellied Woodpeckers (Melanerpes carolinus), Red-headed Woodpeckers (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), and Northern Flickers (Colaptes auratus) were on the move.  Migrating American Robins (Turdus migratorius) crossed the river early in the day, possibly leftovers from an overnight flight of this primarily nocturnal migrant.  The season’s first Great Black-backed Gulls (Larus marinus) arrived.  American Goldfinches are easily detected by their calls as they pass overhead.  Look carefully at the goldfinches visiting your feeder, the birds of summer are probably gone and are being replaced by migrants currently passing through.

By far, the most conspicuous migrant today was the Blue Jay.  Hundreds were seen as they filtered out of the hardwood forests of the diabase ridge to cautiously cross the river and continue to the southwest.  Groups of five to fifty birds would noisily congregate in trees along the river’s edge, then begin flying across the falls.  Many wary jays abandoned their small crossing parties and turned back.  Soon, they would try the trip again in a larger flock.

Sensing that they are being watched, Blue Jays are hesitant to fly across the narrow Susquehanna at Conewago Falls without first assembling into a flock.  The local constabulary often penalizes those who freelance and do not move in orderly groups.

A look at this morning’s count reveals few Neotropical migrants.  With the exception of the Broad-winged Hawks and warblers, the migratory species seen today will winter in a sub-tropical temperate climate, primarily in the southern United States, but often as far north as the lower Susquehanna River valley.  The individual birds observed today will mostly continue to a winter home a bit further south.  Those that will winter in the area of Conewago Falls will arrive in October and later.

The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodius) can be found year-round at Conewago Falls, provided there is open water and adequate food.  Migrants from breeding colonies to the north will soon supplement the local population.
The Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) is a summer resident at Conewago Falls.  Migration of the local population and of those from further north will soon begin.  All will be gone by the time ice forms on the river.  Cormorants are often seen drying their feathers in sunlight following a series of feeding dives.

The long-distance migrating insect so beloved among butterfly enthusiasts shows signs of improving numbers.  Today, more than two dozen Monarchs were seen crossing the falls and slowly flapping and gliding their way to Mexico.


Living in the Shadows

They get a touch of it here, and a sparkle or two there.  Maybe, for a couple of hours each day, the glorious life-giving glow of the sun finds an opening in the canopy to warm and nourish their leaves, then the rays of light creep away across the forest floor, and it’s shade for the remainder of the day.

The flowering plants which thrive in the understory of the Riparian Woodlands often escape much notice.  They gather only a fraction of the daylight collected by species growing in full exposure to the sun.  Yet, by season’s end, many produce showy flowers or nourishing fruits of great import to wildlife.  While light may be sparingly rationed through the leaves of the tall trees overhead, moisture is nearly always assured in the damp soils of the riverside forest.  For these plants, growth is slow, but continuous.  And now, it’s show time.

So let’s take a late-summer stroll through the Riparian Woodlands of Conewago Falls, minus the face full of cobwebs, and have a look at some of the strikingly beautiful plants found living in the shadows.

Oxeye (Heliopsis helianthoides) is common on the interior and along the edges of Riparian Woodland.  Specimens in deep shade flower less profusely and average less than half the height of the five feet tall inhabitants of edge environs.
Pale Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens pallida) is one of two species of native Impatiens found in the river floodplain.  Both are known as Jewelweed.  The stems and leaves of the indigenous Impatiens retain a great quantity of water, so life in filtered sunlight is essential to prevent desiccation.  Contrary to popular folklore, extracts of Jewelweed plants are not effective treatments of Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) contact dermatitis.
Spotted Touch-Me-Not (Impatiens capensis) is typically found in wetter soil than I. pallida.  Both Jewelweeds develop popping capsules which help to distribute the seeds of these annual wildflowers.  “Touch Me Not”, or you’ll be wearing tiny seeds.
Green-headed Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) grows to heights of eight feet in full sun, hence its alternate common name, Tall Coneflower.  In deep shade, it may not exceed two feet in height.  Floodplains are the prime domain of this perennial.
Wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia) normally flowers no earlier than late August.  The bases of the leaves are continued onto the stem of the plant to form wings which extend downward along its length.  This wildflower tolerates shade, but flowers more profusely along the woodland edge.
Great Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), or Great Blue Lobelia, is a magnificent wetland and moist woodland wildflower, usually attaining three feet in height and adorned with a plant-topping spike of blossoms.  Invasive Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) can be seen here competing with this plant, resulting in a shorter, less productive Lobelia.  Stiltgrass was not found in the Susquehanna River floodplain at Conewago Falls until sometime after 1997.  It has spread to all areas of woodland shade, its tiny seeds being blown and translocated along roads, mowed lots, trails, and streams to quickly colonize and overtake new ground.
American Bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia), a shrub of shaded woods, develops inflated capsules which easily float away during high water to distribute the seeds contained inside.
Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) is a shrub of wet soils which produces a strange spherical flower, followed by this globular seed cluster.
Common Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is a colony-forming small tree which produces a fleshy fruit.  It is the host plant for the caterpillars of the Zebra Swallowtail.  The plant and the butterfly approach the northern limit of their geographic range at Conewago Falls.
Common Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) is a widespread understory shrub in wet floodplain soils.  It is the host plant for the caterpillars of the Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus).
Sweet Autumn Virgin’s Bower (Clematis terniflora) is an escape from cultivation which has recently naturalized in the edge areas of the Conewago Falls Riparian Woodlands.  This vine is very showy when flowering and producing seed, but can be detrimental to some of the understory shrubs upon which it tends to climb.


Long, David; Ballentine, Noel H.; and Marks, James G., Jr.  1997.  Treatment of Poison Ivy/Oak Allergic Contact Dermatitis With an Extract of Jewelweed.  American Journal of Contact Dermatitis.  8(3): pp. 150-153.

Newcomb, Lawrence.  1977.  Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide.  Little, Brown and Company.  Boston, Massachusetts.

Piles of Green Tape

A couple of inches of rain this week caused a small increase in the flow of the river, just a burp, nothing major.  This higher water coincided with some breezy days that kicked up some chop on the open waters of the Susquehanna upstream of Conewago Falls.  Apparently it was just enough turbulence to uproot some aquatic plants and send them floating into the falls.

Piled against and upon the upstream side of many of the Pothole Rocks were thousands of two to three feet-long flat ribbon-like opaque green leaves of Tapegrass, also called Wild Celery, but better known as American Eelgrass (Vallisneria americana).  Some leaves were still attached to a short set of clustered roots.  It appears that most of the plants broke free from creeping rootstock along the edge of one of this species’ spreading masses which happened to thrive during the second half of the summer.  You’ll recall that persistent high water through much of the growing season kept aquatic plants beneath a blanket of muddy current.  The American Eelgrass colonies from which these specimens originated must have grown vigorously during the favorable conditions in the month of August.  A few plants bore the long thread-like pistillate flower stems with a fruit cluster still intact.  During the recent few weeks, there have been mats of American Eelgrass visible, the tops of their leaves floating on the shallow river surface, near the east and west shorelines of the Susquehanna where it begins its pass through the Gettysburg Basin near the Pennsylvania Turnpike bridge at Highspire.  This location is a probable source of the plants found in the falls today.

Uprooted American Eelgrass floating into the Pothole Rocks under the power of a north wind.  Note the white thread-like pistillate flower stem to the left and the small rooted specimen to the upper right.  The latter is likely a plant from the creeping rootstock on the edge of a colony.  As a native aquatic species, American Eelgrass is a critical link in the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay food chain.  Its decimation by pollution during the twentieth century led to migration pattern alterations and severe population losses for the Canvasback (Aythya valisineria) duck.
American Eelgrass, a very small specimen, found growing in a low-lying Pothole Rock alongside the accumulations of freshly arriving material from upstream.  Note that the creeping rootstock has leaves growing from at least three nodes on this plant.  Eelgrass dislocations are regular occurrences which sometimes begin new colonies, like the small one seen here in this Diabase Pothole Rock Microhabitat.

The cool breeze from the north was a perfect fit for today’s migration count.  Nocturnal migrants settling down for the day in the Riparian Woodlands at sunrise included more than a dozen warblers and some Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis).  Diurnal migration was underway shortly thereafter.

A moderate flight of nocturnal migrants is indicated around NEXRAD sites in the northeastern states at 3:18 AM EDT.  The outer rain bands of Hurricane Irma can be seen approaching the Florida Keys as the storm closes in on the peninsula.  (NOAA/National Weather Service image)

Four Bald Eagles were counted as migrants this morning.  Based on plumage, two were first-year eagles (Juvenile) seen up high and flying the river downstream, one was a second-year bird (Basic I) with a jagged-looking wing molt, and a third was probably a fourth year (Basic III) eagle looking much like an adult with the exception of a black terminal band on the tail.  These birds were the only ones which could safely be differentiated from the seven or more Bald Eagles of varying ages found within the past few weeks to be lingering at Conewago Falls.  There were as many as a dozen eagles which appeared to be moving through the falls area that may have been migrating, but the four counted were the only ones readily separable from the locals.

Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) were observed riding the wind to journey not on a course following the river, but flying across it and riding the updraft on the York Haven Diabase ridge from northeast to southwest.

Bank Swallows (Riparia riparia) seem to have moved on.  None were discovered among the swarms of other species today.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Caspian Terns, Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum), and Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica) were migrating today, as were Monarch butterflies.

Not migrating, but always fun to have around, all four wise guys were here today.  I’m referring to the four members of the Corvid family regularly found in the Mid-Atlantic states: Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus), and Common Raven (Corvus corax).

It looks like a big Blue Jay, but it’s not.  This Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) takes a break after flying around the falls trying to shake a marauding Ruby-throated Hummingbird off its tail.


Klots, Elsie B.  1966.  The New Field Book of Freshwater Life.  G. P. Putnam’s Sons.  New York, NY.

Suggestive Selling

A Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) glowed in the first sunlight of the day as it began illuminating the treetops.  I’m not certain of the cause, but I often have the urge to dig into a bowl of orange sherbet after seeing one these magnificent blackbirds.  That’s right, in the Americas, orioles and blackbirds are members of the same family, Icteridae.  Look at blackbirds more carefully, you might see the resemblance.

Sunshine at dawn and migrating warblers were again active in the foliage.  Eight species were identified today.  Off to the tropics they go.  To the land of palm and citrus, yes citrus…limes, lemons, grapefruits, and oranges.

The Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) are on the way toward the gulf states, then on to Central and South America.  Five dashed by the rocky lookout in the falls this morning.  Remember, keep your feeders clean, wash and rinse all the parts, and refill them with a fresh batch of “nectar”, four or five parts water to one part sugar.  Repeating this process daily during hot weather should keep contamination from overtaking your feeder.  It’s not a bad idea to rotate two feeders.  Have one cleaned, rinsed, and air drying while the second is filled and in use at your feeding station, then just swap them around.  Your equipment will be just as clean as it is at the sanitary dairy…you know, where they make sherbet.

The first of the season Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia), giant freshwater versions of the terns you see at the seashore, passed through the falls late this morning.  Their bills are blood-red, not orange like the more familiar terns on the coast.  They’re stunning.

Ring-billed Gulls (Larus delawarensis) have been at the falls for several weeks.  Total numbers and the composition of the age groups in the flock change over the days, so birds appear to be trickling through and are then replaced by others coming south.  The big push of southbound migrants for this and many other species that winter locally in the Mid-Atlantic region and in the southern United States is still more than a month away.  There are still plenty more birds to come after the hours of daylight are reduced and the temperatures take a dip.

A Ring-billed Gull on the lookout for a morning snack.  They’ll eat almost anything and do a good job of keeping the river picked clean of the remains of animals that have met misfortune.  They’ll linger around landfills, hydroelectric dams, and fast-food restaurant parking lots through the winter.
Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) are common around the falls due to the abundance of carrion in the vicinity and because of the strong thermal updrafts of air over the sun-heated Pothole Rocks.  These rising currents provide lift for circling vultures.  We would expect migrating birds of a number of species will also take advantage of these thermals to gain altitude and extend the distance of their glides.

Some migrating butterflies were counted today.  Cloudless Sulphurs, more of a vagrant than a migrant, and, of course, Monarchs.  I’ll bet you know the Monarch, it’s black and orange.  How can you miss them, colored orange.

That’s it, that’s all for now, I bid you adieu…I’m going to have a dip of orange sherbet, or two.


Harvey Passes By

Rain from the remnants of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey ended just after daybreak this morning.  Locally, the precipitation was mostly absorbed into the soil.   There was little runoff and no flooding.  The river level at Conewago Falls is presently as low as it has been all summer.  Among the pools and rapids of the Pothole Rocks, numbers of migrating birds are building.

Mist and a low cloud ceiling created poor visibility while trying to see early morning birds, but they’re here.  The warblers are moving south and a small wave of them was filtering through the foliage on the edge of the Riparian Woodlands.  One must bend backwards to have a look, and most could not be identified due to the poor lighting in the crowns of the trees where they were zipping about.  Five species of warblers and two species of vireos were discerned.

There are increasing concentrations of swallows feeding on insects over the falls.  Hundreds were here today, mostly Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).  Bank Swallows (Stelgidopteryx riparia) numbered in the hundreds, far below the thousands, often 10,000, which staged here for migration and peaked during the first week of September annually during the 1980s and 1990s.  Their numbers have been falling steadily.  Loss of nesting locations in embankments near water may be impacting the entire population.  A reduction in the abundance of late-summer flying insects here on the lower Susquehanna River may be cause for them to abandon this area as a migration staging point.

Bank and Tree Swallows by the hundreds were feeding upon flying insects above the waters of Conewago Falls today.  Lesser numbers of Northern Rough-winged Swallows (Stelgidopteryx serripennis) and Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) joined the swarm.

Clear weather in the coming nights and days may get the migrants up and flying in large numbers.  For those species headed to the tropics for winter, the time to get moving has arrived.


Birds of a Feather-The Basics

When we look at birds, we are fascinated by the unique structure and appearance of their feathers.  They set birds apart from all other life forms on the planet.  Feathers enable most birds to achieve a feat long envied by humans…flight.  Birds on the wing awaken a curiosity in man.  They are generally the largest animals one will see in the air.  People want to know the name of a bird they see flying by, and want to know more about it.  The method and style of bird flight can aid an observer who attempts to determine which of the world’s 10,000 bird species he or she is studying.  Body shape and bird sounds often tell us a lot about the birds we encounter.  But most often, we rely on the unique colors, patterns, and shapes of the feathers, the plumage, to identify the bird we are seeing.

To birds, feathers are survival.  They are lightweight and strong to support the mechanics of flight.  Feathers are superb insulators against the elements, and provide additional buoyancy for birds spending time on the water.  For most birds, feathers provide a coloration and a texture similar to their surroundings, enabling them to hide from predators or to stalk prey.  In the case of some species, extravagant showy plumage is acquired, at least during the breeding season, and often only by males, as a way to attract a mate, intimidate rivals, defend a territory, or lure an intruder away from a nest site.  Because they become worn and damaged, all feathers are periodically molted and replaced by fresh plumage.

The feathers worn by a young bird leaving the nest are called the juvenile plumage.  Typically, this is followed by a molt into a basic (non-breeding) plumage.  The oft times extravagant breeding feathers are the result of a molt into an alternate (breeding) plumage.

While making field observations, the species, subspecies, gender, age, and other vital statistics of a bird can often by discerned easily by noting the plumage.  In the case of some other birds, diligence, experience, research, and an exceptionally good look and/or a photograph may be required to interpret these particulars.  In still other instances, a trained expert with a specimen in the hand is the only method of learning the bird’s identity and background.

This juvenile House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) left the nest wearing plumage very similar to that of its parents.  In lieu of bright colors, the male House Wren relies upon a vigorous bubbly song and a scrappy demeanor to defend its breeding territory.  This species nests in cavities on the edges of the Riparian Woodlands of Conewago Falls.  Males may have more than one mate.  House Wrens probably migrate at night and will winter in the southern border states and further south.

The age at which birds acquire adult breeding and non-breeding plumages varies by species.  Many juvenile birds resemble adults in basic (non-breeding) plumage as soon as they leave the nest.  For these birds, there is little difference between their juvenile plumage and the appearance of the feathers which follow the molt into their first basic (non-breeding) plumage.  Bird species which sexually mature within their first year may acquire their first basic (non-breeding) plumage before arrival of their first winter, followed by an alternate (breeding) plumage by their first spring.  This is particularly true for smaller short-lived birds.  Other species, normally larger long-lived ones, may experience a sequence of molts through multiple basic (non-breeding) plumages over a period of years prior to resembling an adult.  Some of these species, such as eagles, retain their juvenile plumage for as long as a year before extensive molting into a first basic (non-breeding) plumage begins.  Still others, including many gulls, attain a first-winter (formative) plumage prior to molting into their first basic (non-breeding) set of feathers.  Sexual maturity and initiation of an annual molt to alternate (breeding) plumage, if there is one, may take as long as three to five years for these bigger birds.

For nearly all species of birds, the molts which produce basic (non-breeding) plumage occur on at least an annual basis and include a total replacement of feathers.  This process renews worn and missing plumes including the flight feathers of the wings and tail.  Any molt to alternate (breeding) plumage often excludes the replacement of the feathers of the wings and tail.  There are many exceptions to these generalities.

A mid-summer nesting species, the American Goldfinch, Spinus tristis, male (left and right) molts into a glamorous alternate plumage for the breeding season.  The adult female’s alternate plumage (top) is a subdued green-yellow and black.  Her feathers resemble the foliage around the nest and offer protection from discovery during incubation.  Juvenile plumage (bottom) is similar to that of the female, but duller with a buffy tone.  By November each of these birds will have molted into a tan-buff basic (non-breeding) plumage, the male’s with a slight yellow hue.  During their first spring, juveniles attain sexual maturity and, like the adults from the previous year, molt into alternate (breeding) plumage.  The breeding birds seen here will probably winter in the southern United States, and birds that nested to our north will arrive to remain as winter residents.  Various stages of molt can be seen simultaneously during spring and autumn migrations as populations of goldfinches from multiple latitudes intermingle as they pass through the Susquehanna River watershed.
This juvenile Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius), lacks the namesake dark markings on its white underside, thus it presently resembles an adult in basic (non-breeding) plumage.  Upon reaching sexual maturity, it will molt into a spotted alternate (breeding) plumage for the nesting season during each remaining year of its life.  Females of this species defend a territory and lay eggs in a nest located among cover near the shoreline.  A female may have as many as five mates.  Males alone incubate the eggs, usually four, for 20-24 days.  The young leave the nest upon hatching and are escorted by the male for about two to three additional weeks.  They are the only sandpiper to nest on the Susquehanna River shoreline.  Spotted Sandpipers migrate to the southern border states and further south for winter.  At Conewago Falls, they arrive in late April to nest, with birds, possibly migrants from further north, remaining until well into October.  In any plumage, you can easily recognize the Spotted Sandpiper by its habit of teetering its body at the hips to pump the tail up and down.
Bald Eagles go through a series of five molts before reaching adult plumage.  The first plumage, Juvenile, is nearly all dark brown with white linings along the forward underside of the wings.  The wing and tail feathers are a bit longer than in later plumages to aid the inexperienced birds during their clumsy first flights.  Due to the additional feather length, Juveniles look larger than older birds, but they are not as heavy as their seniors.  The bird seen here flying above Conewago Falls is probably in its second year.  This plumage, Basic I, also known as “White Belly I”, is characterized by a nearly full set of new flight feathers.  Note that some of the longer Juvenile feathers are still present, giving the wings a jagged sloppy look, particularly near the center of the trailing edge.  Third-year (Basic II) birds often have at least some white belly feathers and are sometimes known as “White Belly II” Bald Eagles.  Basic II birds typically possess a complete set of adult flight feathers, so the trailing edge of the wing has a neater and more uniform appearance.

The Bald Eagle in the two photographs above is in its first year.  This plumage, known as “Juvenile”, is characterized by dark flight feathers which appear uniformly long in length when the bird is airborne.  The eye is dark brown.  The iris of the eye will lighten in the second year (Basic I) and will become cream-colored by the third year (Basic II).  The bill, which is all dark gray when the bird is in the nest, has begun the slow progression to a yellow color that will be complete in the bird’s fifth year (Basic IV).  Third year (Basic II) birds molt to white crown and throat feathers, but have a dark set of feathers through the eye producing an “Osprey face” in most individuals.  In its fourth year (Basic III), this eagle will molt to a white tail with just a thin dark brown terminal band.  The head will become nearly all white except for a few dark spots through the eye, which will have a yellow iris.  A cleaner white head and tail will develop during the fifth year (Basic IV) and will persist through the familiar adult Bald Eagle plumages (Definitive Plumage) for the remainder of its life.

The Juvenile and non-breeding (basic) plumages of late-summer may seem drab and confusing, but learning them is a worthwhile endeavor.  Consider that most of the birds coming south during the migration will be adorned in this fashion.  The birds of North America are in their greatest numerical mass of the year right now, and nearly all are females, juveniles, other non-adults, or molting males.  There are few males in breeding plumage among the autumn waves of migrants.  In the coming months, there will be an abundance of opportunities to enjoy these marvels on wings, so getting to know the birds in non-breeding feathers is time well spent.  Make haste and get ready.  For our feathered friends, it’s autumn and they’re on their way south.

Here come the confusing fall migrants.  Twelve Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) and sixteen unidentified “peep” sandpipers (Calidris species) were seen feeding in Conewago Falls on August 27.  This Semipalmated Sandpiper is either an adult in worn alternate (breeding) plumage or a Juvenile.  Adults of this species molt into basic plumage on the wintering grounds.  The Semipalmated Sandpiper breeds in the high arctic tundra and winters in the West Indies and northern South America.


Dunne, Pete.  2006.  Pete Dunne’s Essential Field Guide Companion.  Houghton Mifflin Company.  New York.

Hayman, Peter; John Marchant, and Tony Prater.  1986.  Shorebirds, An Identification Guide to the Waders of the World.  Houghton Mifflin Company.  New York.

Kauman, Kenn.  1996.  Lives of North American Birds.  Houghton Mifflin Company.  New York.

McCullough, Mark A.  1989.  Molting Sequence and Aging Of Bald Eagles.  The Wilson Bulletin.  101:1-10.

The Dungeon

There’s something frightening going on down there.  In the sand, beneath the plants on the shoreline, there’s a pile of soil next to a hole it’s been digging.  Now, it’s dragging something toward the tunnel it made.  What does it have?  Is that alive?

We know how the system works, the food chain that is.  The small stuff is eaten by the progressively bigger things, and there are fewer of the latter than there are of the former, thus the whole network keeps operating long-term.  Some things chew plants, others devour animals whole or in part, and then there are those, like us, that do both.  In the natural ecosystem, predators keep the numerous little critters from getting out of control and decimating certain other plant or animal populations and wrecking the whole business.  When man brings an invasive and potentially destructive species to a new area, occasionally we’re fortunate enough to have a native species adapt and begin to keep the invader under control by eating it.  It maintains the balance.  It’s easy enough to understand.

Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) seen here on Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow.  Without predation, exploding numbers of this invasive non-indigenous insect can defoliate and kill numerous species of plants in a given area.
The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a generalist feeder, eating seeds and invertebrates including Japanese Beetles.  This species is the omnipresent year-round occupant of shoreline vegetation along the lower Susquehanna River.

Late summer days are marked by a change in the sounds coming from the forests surrounding the falls.  For birds, breeding season is ending, so the males cease their chorus of songs and insects take over the musical duties.  The buzzing calls of male “Annual Cicadas” (Neotibicen species) are the most familiar.  The female “Annual Cicada” lays her eggs in the twigs of trees.  After hatching, the nymphs drop to the ground and burrow into the soil to live and feed along tree roots for the next two to five years.  A dry exoskeleton clinging to a tree trunk is evidence that a nymph has emerged from its subterranean haunts and flown away as an adult to breed and soon thereafter die.  Flights of adult “Annual Cicadas” occur every year, but never come anywhere close to reaching the enormous numbers of “Periodical Cicadas” (Magicicada species).  The three species of “Periodical Cicadas” synchronize their life cycles throughout their combined regional populations to create broods that emerge as spectacular flights once every 13 or 17 years.

An “Annual Cicada” also known as a “Dog-day Cicada”, clings to the stem of a Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow at Conewago Falls.

For the adult cicada, there is danger, and that danger resembles an enormous bee.  It’s an Eastern Cicada Killer (Specius speciosus) wasp, and it will latch onto a cicada and begin stinging while both are in flight.  The stings soon paralyze the screeching, panicked cicada.  The Cicada Killer then begins the task of airlifting and/or dragging its victim to the lair it has prepared.  The cicada is placed in one of more than a dozen cells in the tunnel complex where it will serve as food for the wasp’s larvae.  The wasp lays an egg on the cicada, then leaves and pushes the hole closed.  The egg hatches in a several days and the larval grub is on its own to feast upon the hapless cicada.

An Eastern Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus) along the river shoreline. Despite their intimidating appearance, they do not sting humans and can be quite docile when approached.

Other species in the Solitary Wasp family (Sphecidae) have similar life cycles using specific prey which they incapacitate to serve as sustenance for their larvae.

A Solitary Wasp, one of the Thread-waisted Wasps (Ammophila species), drags a paralyzed moth caterpillar to its breeding dungeon in the sandy soil at Conewago Falls.  For the victim, there is no escape from the crypt.

The Solitary Wasps are an important control on the populations of their respective prey.  Additionally, the wasp’s bizarre life cycle ensures a greater survival rate for its own offspring by providing sufficient food for each of its progeny before the egg beginning its life is ever put in place.  It’s complete family planning.

The cicadas reproduce quickly and, as a species, seem to endure the assault by Cicada Killers, birds, and other predators.  The Periodical Cicadas (Magicicada), with adult flights occurring as a massive swarm of an entire population every thirteen or seventeen years, survive as species by providing predators with so ample a supply of food that most of the adults go unmolested to complete reproduction.  Stay tuned, 2021 is due to be the next Periodical Cicada year in the vicinity of Conewago Falls.


Eaton, Eric R., and Kenn Kaufman.  2007.  Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America.  Houghton Mifflin Company.  New York.


The tall seed-topped stems swaying in a summer breeze are a pleasant scene.  And the colorful autumn shades of blue, orange, purple, red, and, of course, green leaves on these clumping plants are nice.  But of the multitude of flowering plants, Big Bluestem, Freshwater Cordgrass, and Switchgrass aren’t much of a draw.  No self-respecting bloom addict is going out of their way to have a gander at any grass that hasn’t been subjugated and tamed by a hideous set of spinning steel blades.  Grass flowers…are you kidding?

Big Bluestem in flower in the Riverine Grasslands at Conewago Falls.

O.K., so you need something more.  Here’s more.

Meet the Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata).  It’s an annual plant growing in the Riverine Grasslands at Conewago Falls as a companion to Big Bluestem.  It has a special niche growing in the sandy and, in summertime, dry soils left behind by earlier flooding and ice scour.  The divided leaves close upon contact and also at nightfall.  Bees and other pollinators are drawn to the abundance of butter-yellow blossoms.  Like the familiar pea of the vegetable garden, the flowers are followed by flat seed pods.

The Partridge Pea can tolerate dry sandy soils.

But wait, here’s more.

In addition to its abundance in Conewago Falls, the Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow (Hibiscus laevis) is the ubiquitous water’s edge plant along the free-flowing Susquehanna River for miles downstream.  It grows in large clumps, often defining the border between the emergent zone and shore-rooted plants.  It is particularly successful in accumulations of alluvium interspersed with heavier pebbles and stone into which the roots will anchor to endure flooding and scour.  Such substrate buildup around the falls, along mid-river islands, and along the shores of the low-lying Riparian Woodlands immediately below the falls are often quite hospitable to the species.

Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow is a durable inhabitant of the falls.  Regular flooding keeps competing species at bay.  A taproot helps to safeguard against dislocation, allowing plants to grow in places subjected to turbulent currents.
Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow in bloom.  The similarity to cultivated members of the Hibiscus genus can readily be seen.  It is one of the showiest of perennial wildflowers in the floodplain.  Note the lobed, halberd-shaped leaves, source of its former species name militaris.
The seeds of Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow are contained in bladders which can float to assist in their distribution.  Some of these bladders cling to the dead leafless stems in winter, making it an easy plant to identify in nearly any season.

A second native wildflower species in the genus Hibiscus is found in the Conewago Falls floodplain, this one in wetlands.  The Swamp Rose Mallow (H. moscheutos) is similar to Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow, but sports more variable and colorful blooms.  The leaves are toothed without the deep halberd-style lobes and, like the stems, are downy.  As the common name implies, it requires swampy habitat with ample water and sunlight.

Swamp Rose Mallow in a sunny wetland.  This variety with solid-colored flowers (without dark centers) and pale green leaves and stems was formerly known as a separate species of  Swamp Rose Mallow, H. palustris.  Note that the flowers are terminal on the stems.
A few scattered specimens of a more typical variety of Swamp Rose Mallow are found on the shoreline and in the Riverine Grasslands of Conewago Falls.  The blooms are bright pink with darker centers and the leaf stems are robust and reddish.  This one is seen growing among Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow, with which it shares the characteristic of having flower stems growing from some of the upper leaf axils.  A variety with red-centered white flowers is often found throughout the plant’s range.

In summary, we find Partridge Pea in the Riverine Grasslands growing in sandy deposits left by flood and ice scour.  We find Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow rooted at the border between shore and the emergent zone.  We find Swamp Rose Mallow as an emergent in the wetlands of the floodplain.  And finally, we find marshmallows in only one location in the area of Conewago Falls.  Bon ap’.

Here’s S’more


Newcomb, Lawrence.  1977.  Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide.  Little, Brown and Company.  Boston, Massachusetts.

Fussy Eaters

She ate only toaster pastries…that’s it…nothing else.  Every now and then, on special occasions, when a big dinner was served, she’d have a small helping of mashed potatoes, no gravy, just plain, thank you.  She received all her nutrition from several meals a week of macaroni and cheese assembled from processed ingredients found in a cardboard box.  It contains eight essential vitamins and minerals, don’t you know?  You remember her, don’t you?

Adult female butterflies must lay their eggs where the hatched larvae will promptly find the precise food needed to fuel their growth.  These caterpillars are fussy eaters, with some able to feed upon only one particular species or genus of plant to grow through the five stages, the instars, of larval life.  The energy for their fifth molt into a pupa, known as a chrysalis, and metamorphosis into an adult butterfly requires mass consumption of the required plant matter.  Their life cycle causes most butterflies to be very habitat specific.  These splendid insects may visit the urban or suburban garden as adults to feed on nectar plants, however, successful reproduction relies upon environs which include suitable, thriving, pesticide-free host plants for the caterpillars.  Their survival depends upon more than the vegetation surrounding the typical lawn will provide.

The Monarch (Danaus plexippus), a butterfly familiar in North America for its conspicuous autumn migrations to forests in Mexico, uses the milkweeds (Asclepias) almost exclusively as a host plant.  Here at  Conewago Falls, wetlands with Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) and unsprayed clearings with Common Milkweed (A. syriaca) are essential to the successful reproduction of the species.  Human disturbance, including liberal use of herbicides, and invasive plant species can diminish the biomass of the Monarch’s favored nourishment, thus reducing significantly the abundance of the migratory late-season generation.

Monarch caterpillar after a fourth molt.  The fifth instar feeding on Swamp Milkweed.
A fifth molt begets the Monarch pupa, the chrysalis, from which the showy adult butterfly will emerge.
Adult Monarch feeding on Goldenrod (Solidago) nectar.

Butterflies are good indicators of the ecological health of a given environment.  A diversity of butterfly species in a given area requires a wide array of mostly indigenous plants to provide food for reproduction.  Let’s have a look at some of the species seen around Conewago Falls this week…

An adult Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis) visiting a nectar plant, Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata).  Wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia), a plant of the Riparian Woodlands, is among the probable hosts for the caterpillars.
A Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) visits Crown Vetch, a possible host plant.  Other potential larval food in the area includes Partridge Pea, Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow (Hibiscus laevis) of the river shoreline, and Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos), a plant of wetlands.
The Eastern Tailed Blue (Cupido comyntas) may use Partridge Pea , a native wildflower species, and the introduced Crown Vetch (Securigera/Coronilla varia) as host and nectar plants at Conewago Falls.
The Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor) is at home among tall grasses in woodland openings, at riverside, and in the scoured grassland habitat of the Pothole Rocks in the falls.  Host plants available include Switchgrass (Panicum vigatum), Freshwater Cordgrass (Spartina pectinata), and Foxtails (Setaria).
The Zabulon Skipper (Poanes zabulon) is an inhabitant of moist clearings where the caterpillars may feed upon Lovegrasses (Eragrostis) and Purpletop (Tridens flavus).
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus), a female seen here gathering nectar from Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium), relies upon several forest trees as hosts. Black Cherry (Prunus serotina), Willow (Salix), Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), also known as Tuliptree, and Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) are among the local species known to be used.  The future of the latter food species at Conewago Falls is doubtful.  Fortunately for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, the “generalist” feeding requirements of this butterfly’s larvae enable the species to survive the loss of a host plant.
A female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, black morph, gathering nectar from Joe-Pye Weed.
The Zebra Swallowtail (Protographium marcellus), an adult seen here on Joe-Pye Weed, feeds exclusively upon Pawpaw (Asimina) trees as a caterpillar.  This butterfly species may wander, but its breeding range is limited to the moist Riparian Woodlands where colonial groves of Pawpaw may be found.  The Common Pawpaw (Asimina triloba), our native species in Pennsylvania, and the Zebra Swallowtail occur at the northern edge of their geographic ranges in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed.  Planting Pawpaw trees as an element of streamside reforestation projects certainly benefits this marvelous butterfly.

The spectacularly colorful butterflies are a real treat on a hot summer day.  Their affinity for showy plants doubles the pleasure.

By the way, I’m certain by now you’ve recalled that fussy eater…and how beautiful she grew up to be.


Brock, Jim P., and Kaufman, Kenn.  2003.  Butterflies of North America.  Houghton Mifflin Company.  New York, NY.