Your best bet for finding migrating shorebirds in the lower Susquehanna region is certainly a visit to a sandbar or mudflat in the river. The Conejohela Flats off Washington Boro just south of Columbia is a renowned location. Some man-made lakes including the one at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area are purposely drawn down during the weeks of fall migration to provide exposed mud and silt for feeding and resting sandpipers and plovers. But with the Susquehanna running high due to recent rains and the cost of fuel trending high as well, maybe you want to stay closer to home to do your observing.
Fortunately for us, migratory shorebirds will drop in on almost any biologically active pool of shallow water and mud that they happen to find. This includes flooded portions of fields, construction sites, and especially stormwater retention basins. We stopped by a new basin just west of Hershey, Pennsylvania, and found more than two dozen shorebirds feeding and loafing there. We took each of these photographs from the sidewalk paralleling the south shore of the pool, thus never flushing or disturbing a single bird.
Designed to prevent stream flooding and pollution, this recently installed stormwater retention basin along US 322 west of Hershey, Pennsylvania, has already attracted a variety of migrating plovers and sandpipers.Killdeer stick close to exposed mud as they feed.Two of more than a dozen Least Sandpipers found busily feeding in the inch-deep water.A Lesser Yellowlegs searching for small invertebrates.Two Lesser Yellowlegs work out a disagreement.Male Twelve-spotted Skimmers patrol the airspace above a pair of Least Sandpipers. Dragonflies and other aquatic insects are quick to colonize the waters held in well-engineered retention basins. Proper construction and establishment of a functioning food chain/web in these man-made wetlands prevents them from becoming merely temporary cesspools for breeding mosquitos.
So don’t just drive by those big puddles, stop and have a look. You never know what you might find.
A Semipalmated Sandpiper (middle right) joins a flock of Least Sandpipers.Pectoral Sandpipers (two birds in the center) are regular fall migrants on the Susquehanna at this time of year. They are most frequently seen on gravel and sand bars adjacent to the river’s grassy islands, but unusually high water for this time of year prevents them from using this favored habitat. As a result, you might be lucky enough to discover Pectoral Sandpipers on almost any mudflat in the area.Two Pectoral Sandpipers and five smaller, but otherwise very similar, Least Sandpipers.A Killdeer (right), a Semipalmated Plover (upper right), and Least and Pectoral Sandpipers (left).