The Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata), also known as the Common Snipe, is a regular late-fall and early-spring migrant that sometimes visits spring seeps, wet meadows, vegetated brooks, and man-made stormwater basins during stopovers in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed. The long bill is used to probe moist soils for prey consisting of worms and other invertebrates. Snipe sometimes linger into the winter, provided soft unfrozen ground is available for foraging. And yes, the snipe is a real bird, not just folklore invented by the mischievous adolescents you knew when you were a kid. Remember how they tried to lure you into a “snipe hunt” so they could abandon you in a dark forest? Remember how nobody ever fell for their nonsense, but they kept trying? Sad, isn’t it?